笹川平和財団 アジア・イスラム事業グループ
研究員 水谷 陣也
The Sasakawa Peace Foundation Asia and Middle East Program
Program Officer Mizutani Jinya (Mr.)
email :
TEL : 070-3143-9697
研究会 Computational Approaches to the Study of Hadith (12/22)のお知らせ
この度、同志社大学一神教学際研究センター(CISMOR)では、カルフォルニア大学デービス校准教授のMairaj Syed氏をお招きして研究会を開催し、Computational Approaches to the Study
of Hadithというテーマ
Over the last few decades, there has been a significant surge in the digitization of Islamic texts,
including Hadith sources. The unique structure and high volume of Hadith make them particularly well-suited
for digital analysis. This structure typically involves a list of names documenting the transmission, known
as "isnad," prepended to the actual text of the Hadith. The volume encompasses not just the sheer number of
Hadiths—estimated to be around 500,000—but also the extensive data collected on individual transmitters. The
lecture explores three types of digital analysis: 1) Basic statistical analysis that integrates isnad and
biographical data to map Hadith transmission activity across cities and years. 2) Social network analysis
that extracts relationships from individual isnads, filling gaps in biographical dictionaries. 3) Machine
learning techniques that annotate isnad data, enabling the development of NLP tools that expedite research
by automatically identifying narrators.
In the mid-15th century, amidst the aftermath of the Black Plague, the eminent Islamic scholar Ibn Hajar
al-'Asqalani composed one of Islam's most influential treatises on the plague, titled Merits of the Plague.
Having contracted and survived the disease himself, while losing two children to it, Ibn Hajar aimed to
compile and synthesize texts from Islamic scripture, theology, medicine, and law on the plague. This
presentation will examine Ibn Hajar's attempts to resolve two key interpretive issues: first, how he
synthesized the competing explanations of the plague's origins from theology and medicine; and second, how
he reconciled contradictory scriptural texts (hadiths) about the nature of jinns, supernatural beings he
believed spread the plague. It will demonstrate how Merits of the Plague exemplifies an important method and
aim of scholarship: the coherent balancing and reconciliation of competing truth claims and epistemologies.
秋葉淳(東洋文化研究所 j-akiba[at]ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
国際ワークショップ "The Safavids, the Post-Safavids and the East Indian Companies" のご案内
国際ワークショップ "The Safavids, the Post-Safavids and the East Indian Companies"
2023年12月17日 (日)14:00~17:00
14:00 イントロダクション:近藤信彰(東京外国語大学AA研)
14:10 Peter Good (JSPS Fellow/東京外国語大学AA研)
“Stability by Contract?: The East India Company in Persia 1600-1747”
15:10 大東敬典 (東京大学史料編纂所)
“Pursue of Agreement: The Dutch East India Company”
16:20 ディスカッション
コメンテーター: 嘉藤慎作 (東京外国語大学AA研)
Book Launch and Seminar: Beyond Modernity: Critical Perspectives on
Islam, Tradition and Power
Beyond Modernity: Critical Perspectives on Islam, Tradition and Power
was published from Rowman & Littlefield Publishers in November 2023. In
this seminar, the editors will discuss the initial impetus behind the
edited volume. One key objective was the questioning of Eurocentric
approaches that reproduce the binary of modernity and Islam. The editors
will also emphasize the proposal of post-Eurocentric alternative
approaches in the volume chapters with a particular focus on the
existence of a variety of contexts overlapping with common frames of
reference within Muslim societies.
Mohammed Moussa (Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University)
Emi Goto (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and
Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA
(Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa),
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A): Research Project on Islam and
Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion (Eiji Nagasawa, 20H00085),
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists: Research on 'Exclusion' and
Intellectuals in Modern and Contemporary Islam (Emi Goto, 18K18292)
Rethinking Frantz Fanon and Anti-Colonialism in the Contemporary Middle East
Dr. Mohammed Moussa (Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University)
Frantz Fanon is often considered the ‘father’ of the theory of
anti-colonial violence. However, such a reductionist view ignores the
Antillean thinker’s complex analysis of colonialism and anti-colonial
revolution in Africa and the Middle East. This seminar will highlight
some of Fanon’s ideas on the nature of anti-colonialism with reference
to the role of the peasantry in this struggle and urban politics. It
will also draw out the implications of these ideas in light of current
examples in the contemporary Middle East.
Mohammed Moussa is currently an assistant professor in the Department of
Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul Sabahattin
Zaim University. He was previously a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Mohammed completed his doctorate at
the University of Exeter. His publications include a monograph on the
political thought of Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali (2015) and articles in
Journal of North African Studies, Journal of Arab & Muslim Media
Research and Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies.
On the afternoon of Saturday, November 25, we will hold a seminar on
Franz Fanon and anti-colonialism as follows. We look forward to your
Rethinking Frantz Fanon and Anti-Colonialism in the Contemporary Middle East
Mohammed Moussa (Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University)
Frantz Fanon is often considered the ‘father’ of the theory of
anti-colonial violence. However, such a reductionist view ignores the
Antillean thinker’s complex analysis of colonialism and anti-colonial
revolution in Africa and the Middle East. This seminar will highlight
some of Fanon’s ideas on the nature of anti-colonialism with reference
to the role of the peasantry in this struggle and urban politics. It
will also draw out the implications of these ideas in light of current
examples in the contemporary Middle East.
Dr. Mohammed Moussa is currently an assistant professor in the
Department of Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul
Sabahattin Zaim University. He was previously a Postdoctoral Research
Fellow at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Mohammed completed his
doctorate at the University of Exeter. His publications include a
monograph on the political thought of Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali (2015)
and articles in Journal of North African Studies, Journal of Arab &
Muslim Media Research and Annals of Japan Association for Middle East
NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA
(Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa),
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A): Research Project on Islam and
Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion (Eiji Nagasawa, 20H00085),
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists: Research on 'Exclusion' and
Intellectuals in Modern and Contemporary Islam (Emi Goto, 18K18292)
Arabic, Islamic and Middle East Studies in East Asia
24 and 25 November 2023
On Site at National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei
Online via Zoom or Teams
Arabic and English
Call for Interest and Participation
Abstract Deadline br
15 October 2023
Association email address
Association of East Asian Arabists (AEAA) is a forum with three sets of
objectives. First and foremost, it welcomes scholars from East Asia
specialized in Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern studies and invites
them to critically reflect on the pedagogy of teaching Arabic to
speakers of East Asian languages at different levels, to share their
research priorities, agenda, approaches, and methodologies, and to
discuss any problems arising from their professional careers. Second,
the Association fosters sharing experiences and mutual enrichments in
two aspects of pedagogy and curriculum design in the East Asian context:
Arabic language pedagogy; enhancement of the curricular connection
between language and content courses; and the challenges of Arabic
language teaching in the digital age. Finally, and most importantly, the
Association will build a support network for East Asian scholars around
the world. The Arabists of East Asian backgrounds face triple
marginalization. In North America, Europe and the Middle East, they are
pushed out both by North American and European orientalists and scholars
of Arabic and Islamic backgrounds. In East Asia, the fields they partake
in are marginal to mainstream disciplines and areas of study. AEAA
offers space for them to engage with each other’s research and teaching
and career concerns. The Association will engage its members through
regular online and in person meetings, workshops, lectures, and reading
sessions, and trigger further questions for discussion and opportunities
for future collaboration such as annual meetings.
The Arabic language, which originated from the sixth-century north
Arabia, became the lingua franca of the Near East with the spread of
Islam. The Arabic language and its literary productions are highly
imbued with religious ideas and cultural norms of Arabs. Students from
East Asian linguistic, cultural, and religious backgrounds without
adequate prior knowledge of the region and religion would encounter
challenges when they study more advanced texts. The cultural barrier and
lack of relevant knowledge also impede them from appreciating the
literary conventions, rhetorics, and poetics of the Arabic language.
While language teaching itself is inseparable from introducing the
peoples and societies using the language, the need to combine both into
a systematic curriculum is hardly realized in Taiwan. At present,
Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern studies in East Asia follows the
agenda and pedagogy of either Orientalism or pre-modern knowledge
traditions of the Arabic-Islamic world. A coherent curricular structure
that takes into consideration the lingual and cultural backgrounds of
East Asian students is currently missing.
Technology exerts an unneglectable impact on language teaching. As
online Arabic classes and learning tools abound, the efficiency of the
traditional teaching methods is called into question. Furthermore,
students’ dependence upon technology products such as translation tools
and AI programmes for their coursework also undermines the validity of
the traditional way of evaluation.
The Inaugural Symposium and Call for Participation
The Association’s Inaugural Symposium will address three main topics
that concern teaching and research in Arabic, Islamic and Middle East
Studies. It will in addition host a graduate student forum.
First: Textbooks for teaching Arabic written by academics of East Asian
backgrounds, and Arabic language pedagogy in the classroom at East Asian
What are challenges in teaching Arabic to speakers of East Asian languages?
What distinguishes Arabic texts written by East Asian academic from those
used in the Arab world, Europe and North America?
How do East Asian languages, cultures and knowledge traditions play a role
in textbook objectives and design?
Are East Asian learning environments Arabic friendly?
What role does new technology, such as digitization and AI, play in textbook
design and classroom pedagogy?
Can social media, IT, and AI help to foster a better interconnected Arabic
language world for East Asian students?
Second: Curriculum Design for the Humanities
Convenor: Tsung Pei-Chen (NCCU)
What are the challenges of teaching Arabic-Islamic culture, history,
literature, politics and religion to students of East Asian backgrounds?
What role do local knowledge traditions play in how Arabic, Islamic and
Middle East studies are received by East Asian students?
How do teaching teams manage the diverse knowledge traditions (Arab,
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Indonesian, European, North American,
etc.) in which they are trained?
What are the objectives and anticipated outcome of degree programmes?
Are there sufficient textbooks in East Asian languages?
Third: Challenges and Creativity in Research
Convenor: Su I-Wen (NCCU)
Facing triple marginalisation, what are the difficulties and challenges for
East Asian Arabists in terms of their research?
What would East Asian Arabists do differently outside European knowledge
traditions, such as Orientalism, and academic convention?
How can they do research creatively, and foster interests in Arabic, Islamic
and Middle East Studies in academe and among a general audience?
What might some strategies be for East Asian Arabists to adopt to generate
impact in local research cultures?
Fourth: The Graduate Student Forum br
Convenor: Ouyang Wen-chin (Academia Sinica and SOAS, University of London)
Where do students choose to pursue MA and PhD degrees? Locally, in the Arab
world, in other East Asian countries, in Europe or North America? Why?
What might some of the challenges students face? Mastery of Arabic and
research languages? Adjusting to new research traditions? Disciplinary
training? Marginalization and isolation?
Do PhD students publish while pursuing their degrees? What are the
What do they think of their career prospects?
How can AEAA help?
All East Asian Arabists are invited to the inaugural symposium. If you are
interested in giving a presentation on one of the three topics identified above,
please send an expression of interest to us at
الندوة الافتتاحية
تعليم اللغة العربية في شرق آسيا
الدراسات العربية والإسلامية والشرق الأوسطية في شرق آسيا
٢٤ و٢٥ من نوفمبر ٢٠٢٣
حضوريا في جامعة تشينغ-تشي بتايبيه، تايوان
وعبر Zoom أو Teams
لغات الندوة
العربية والانجليزية
دعوة للإسهام
آخر موعد لتسليم الملخص
١٥ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٣
عنوان البريد الالكتروني
يهدف مجمع المستعربين بآسيا الشرقية إلى خلق فضاء للقاء والتحاور بين مدرسي
اللغة العربية والباحثين في الدراسات العربية والإسلامية والشرق الأوسطية
أصلا من بلدان شرق آسيا والعاملين في الجامعات والمؤسسات العلمية بها أو
بيئات أخرى بالدول العربية أو أوروبا أو أمريكا الشمالية. يواجه مستعربو
شرق آسيا تهميش من جوانب ثلاثة: خارج شرق آسيا، وفي الجامعات العربية
والأمريكية والأوروبية، يضيق المجال بهم في التنافس بينهم وبين الباحثين من
أصول عربية وأوروبية فتقل فرص العمل لهم، وفي شرق آسيا فلا يمكن لمجالاتهم
العربية مواكبة المجالات العلمية المهيمنة. والأهم من ذلك أساليب التعليم
ومناهجه، وأيضا التنظير والتطبيق في العلوم العربية والإسلامية والشرق
الأوسطية التي تعلموا عليهما وتدربوا فيهما قد لا يناسبان البيئة التعليمية
والعلمية في شرق آسيا. يرحب، إذاً، المجمع بالباحثين ومعلمي اللغة العربية
الناطقين بلغات شرق آسيا والعاملين في الجامعات والمؤسسات العلمية بشرق
آسيا أو خارجه للالتحاق بالمجمع والمشاركة في أنشطته وفعاليته فيما تتعلق
بالتعليم والبحث. أولاً، مناقشة قضايا العمل في المجال الأكاديمي والنشر
والترقية. ثانياً، النظر في مناهج تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بلغات شرق
آسيا بكل المستويات وأيضاً التحاور في كيفية تطوير وسائل تدريس اللغة
العربية للناطقين بلغات شرق آسيا، والتوفيق التدريس بين اللغة والأدب
والعلوم الإنسانية بصفة عامة، وتصميم مناهج الدراسات الجامعية والدراسات
العليا على مستويي الماجستير والدكتوراة. ثالثاً والأهم، خلق شبكة تضامن
للمستعربين من وفي شرق آسيا في العالم.
الخلفية المعرفية
يتعرض تعلم اللغة العربية من قبل غير الناطقين بها عواقب عدّة أهمها غياب
البيئة اللغوية المعرفية الأصلية في شرق آسيا وحضور لغاتها والتراث المعرفي
المغاير لما هو في البيئة العربية والأوروبية. فكيف يمكن للمعلم والباحث
توصيل الأطر المعرفية الكامنة في اللغة كالدين الإسلامي والثقافة العربية
وبلاغة اللغة العربية إلى المتعلمين في المستويات العالية خاصة وهم جاهلون
بالتراث المعرفي العربي ويعيشون في بيئة يقل فيها الاحتكاك بكل ما هو عربي
حتى يتمكن المتعلم من فهم النصوص العربية وسبر غورها؟ بينما الجمع بين فهم
اللغة وقواعدها واستعمالها وبين التراث المعرفي المحيط به بشكل يتوافق مع
اللغات والتراث المعرفي لغير الناطقين بها، نجد أن الكتب التعليمية
المستعملة ومناهج التدريس الموظفة نابعة إما من الاستشراق أو من التراث
المعرفي العربي لا من التراث المعرفي بشرق آسيا. ما هو التصميم الأكثر
مناسبة للبيئة اللغوية والمعرفية الآسيا-الشرقية الذي يأخذ في الاعتبار في
نفس الوقت التطورات التكنولوجية للتواصل منها الذكاء الصناعي وأدوات
الترجمة المتأتية عنه والرقمنة وانتشار النصوص العربية من خلالها ووسائل
التواصل الاجتماعي والانترنيت وتسهليها للتواصل بين البيئات المترامية
الأطراف في العالم، وأيضا دورها في التعليم والاختبار للمهارات اللغوية.
الندوة الافتتاحية ودعوة المشاركة
تطرح الندوة الافتتاحية لمجمع المستعربين بشرق آسيا المحاور الثلاثة
التالية المعنية في التعليم والبحث فيما يخصّ اللغة العربية والدراسات
الإسلامية والشرق الأوسطية للمناقشة والتواصل بين أعضاء المجمع وأصدقائه
تتوزع أعماله على ثلاث جلسات علمية، بالإضافة إلى منتدى مفتوح يشارك فيه
طلاب الماجستير والدكتوراة.
المحور الأول: الكتب المصممة لتدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بلغات آسيا
الشرقية كتبها علماء اللغة من أصول شرقآسيوية أو العاملين في شرق آسيا
ومناهج تدريس اللغة العربية في جامعات شرق آسيا. وستقوم د. سومي أكيكو من
جامعة نوتردام بكيوتو بإدارة الجلسة. وستتمحور الجلسة حول الأسئلة التالية:
• ما هي التحديات التي يواجهها تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بلغات آسيا
• ما هي مميزات الكتب المصممة لتدريس اللغة العربية كتبها الناطقون
بلغات شرق آسيا عما هو متداول من الكتب الصادرة في أوروبا وأمريكا الشمالية
والبلاد العربية؟
• ما الدور الذي تلعبه لغات شرق آسيا وتراثها المعرفي في تصميم الكتب
والمناهج التعليمية؟
• كيف نصف موقف بلدان شرق آسيا من اللغة العربية والدراسات العربية
والإسلامية والشرق الأوسطية؟ هل البيئة عدائية أم مرحبّة؟
• هل للتكنولوجيا دور في الصف؟
• هل يمكن للذكاء الصناعي وأدوات الترجمة المتأتية عنه والرقمنة وانتشار
النصوص العربية من خلالها ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والانترنيت في خلق شبكة
التواصل بين شرق آسيا والعالم العربي؟
المحور الثاني: تصميم المناهج للعلوم الإنسانية وستقوم د. تسونغ بي-جن
بجامعة تشينغ-تشي بإدارة الجلسة.
• ما هي التحديات التي تواجه تدريس الثقافة العربية والأدب العربي
والإسلام وتاريخ الإسلام والعرب والسياسة، والديانات في الشرق للناطقين
بلغات آسيا الشرقية الذين تربوا على تراث معرفي مغاير؟
• ما هو الدور الذي يلعبه التراث المعرفي المحلي في تحديد الموقف من
العرب والإسلام؟
• كيف يتصرف المعلمون (الباحثون) مع الأطر المعرفية والتقاليد العلمية
المتغايرة (العربية منها والصينية واليابانية والكورية والهندية
والإندونيسية والأوروبية والأمريكية، إلخ) التي تدربوا فيها وعليها؟
• ما هي أهداف المناهج الجامعية والنتائج المتوقعة؟
• هل هناك ما يتوفر من الكتب المناسبة للتعليم بلغات شرق آسيا؟
المحور الثالث: التحديات والإبداع في البحث العلمي وستقوم د. سو إي-وين من
جامعة تشينغ-تشي بإدارة الجلسة.
• كيف يواجه مستعربو شرق آسيا الصعوبات والتحديات الناتجة عن التهميش
• ماهي مناحي البحث البديلة التي يراها الباحثون في شرق آسيا خارج
الاستشراق والتراث المعرفي العربي وما هي توجهاتهم في توظيفها في بحثهم؟
• كيف يمكنهم الإبداع في البحث وتشجيع الاهتمام بالدراسات العربية
والإسلامية والشرق الأوسطية في شرق آسيا؟
• ما هي الخطوات التي يمكن لمستعربي شرق آسيا أن تتخذها للتأثير في
الثقافة العلمية المحلية؟
المنتدى المفتوح لطلاب الماجستير والدكتوراة ستديره د. أويان وين-جين بكلية
الدراسات الأفريقية والشرقية، جامعة لندن.
• بأي جامعات يلتحق الطلاب المهتمون بالدراسات العربية والإسلامية
والشرق الأوسطية؟ بالجامعات المحلية أو العربية أو الأوروبية أو الأمريكية؟
• ما هي التحديات التي تواجه طلاب الماجستير والدكتوراة؟ التمكن من
اللغة العربية ولغات البحث الأخرى؟ التأقلم مع تقليد جديد للمعرفة والبحث؟
اكتساب مهارات خاصة بعلم من علوم البحث؟ التهميش والعزلة؟
• هل يتمكن طلاب الدكتوراة من نشر أعمالهم قبل حصولهم على الدكتوراة؟ ما
هي التحديات التي يواجهونها في هذا السياق؟
• كيف يتصورون مستقبلهم في الحقل الأكاديمي والعمل الجامعي؟
• ما هو الدعم الذي يمكن للمجلس أن يقدمه لطلاب الدراسات العليا؟
كل المستعربين من آسيا الشرقية والعاملين فيها مدعوون إلى الندوة
الافتتاحية. يرجى ممن يرغب في تقديم مداخلة إرسال ملخص لفكرة أو تصور إلى
قبل أو يوم ١٥ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٣.
アラビア語 Arabic、映画字幕:日本語 Japanese subtitles, 解説:日本語 Commentary in Japanese
【主催 Organization】
上智大学アジア文化研究所 Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University
科研費基盤(A)「イスラーム・ジェンダー学と現代的課題に関する応用的・実践的研究」(代表:長澤栄治)Kakenhi (A)”Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards
a Comprehensive Discussion” (Leader: Eiji NAGASAWA)
上智大学イスラーム地域研究所 Institute of Islamic Area Studies, Sophia University
上智大学では研究機構の下にある研究所、センター、研究プロジェクトなどがその研究成果を広く学生や学外の方々に向けて公開する催しであるSORW (Sophia Open Research
MC: Ms. Kana Sato, Senior Researcher of JIME Center, IEEJ.
Opening Remarks
Keynote speech 1: TBC
Keynote speech 2:
H.E. Dr. Mohamad bin Saleh al-Sada, former Minister of Energy and Industry, Qatar (video message)
Session 1. Talking about 50 Years since the Oil Crisis (Dialogue session)
Speaker: Mr. Keiichi Konaga, Fromer Under-Secretary of Ministry of International Trade and Industry,
Moderator: Mr. Shuji Hosaka, Director of JIME-IEEJ and President of JAMES
Short Break
Session 2. Japan-Middle East Relationship beyond the Oil Crisis (Presentation)
Historical and diplomatic relations: Dr. Habib Hasan al-Badawi, Professor of the Lebanon University,
Energy and business relations: Dr. Keiko Sakai, Professor at Chiba University, Japan
Culture and soft power: Dr. Essam Bukhary, CEO of Manga Productions and Editor in Chief of Manga
Arabia, Saudi Arabia
Session 3: Discussion and proposals for the future friendship and cooperation
Dr. Abdullah Baabood, Professor of Qatar Chair, Waseda University, Japan
Dr. Shigeto Kondo, Senior Researcher of JIME Center, IEEJ
Closing remarks:Dr. Keiko Sakurai, Professor of School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda
Dear Colleagues,
The Qatar Chair at Waseda University and the Institute for Energy Economics Japan are pleased to invite you to
the following public event:
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the oil crisis: in 1973, Japan faced an oil shortage crisis and worked
hard to build relations with oil-producing countries in the Middle East. Since then, relations between Japan and
the Middle East have developed significantly. Today, the relationship between the two sides covers a wide range
of areas, but energy relations remain a pillar of Japan-Middle East relations. In this international symposium
jointly organised by the Qatar Chair and JIME-IEEJ, we would like to look back at the past 50 years and discuss
new relations between Japan and the Middle East through energy and other fields in the next 50 years.
Date and Time:
10:00-12:30, 30th October 2023.
Keidanren Hall North, Second Floor, Keidanren-Kaikan, Otemachi, Tokyo.
Japanese and English (with simultaneous interpretation)
Participation fee:
free of charge
Participation is possible in-person or online as a hybrid system via Zoom
MC: Ms. Kana Sato, Senior Researcher of JIME Center, IEEJ.
Opening Remarks
Keynote speech 1: TBC
Keynote speech 2:
H.E. Dr. Mohamad bin Saleh al-Sada, former Minister of Energy and Industry, Qatar (video message)
Session 1. Talking about 50 Years since the Oil Crisis (Dialogue session)
Speaker: Mr. Keiichi Konaga, Fromer Under-Secretary of Ministry of International Trade and Industry,
Moderator: Mr. Shuji Hosaka, Director of JIME-IEEJ and President of JAMES
Short Break
Session 2. Japan-Middle East Relationship beyond the Oil Crisis (Presentation)
Historical and diplomatic relations: Dr. Habib Hasan al-Badawi, Professor of the Lebanon University,
Energy and business relations: Dr. Keiko Sakai, Professor at Chiba University, Japan
Culture and soft power: Dr. Essam Bukhary, CEO of Manga Productions and Editor in Chief of Manga
Arabia, Saudi Arabia
Session 3: Discussion and proposals for the future friendship and cooperation
Dr. Abdullah Baabood, Professor of Qatar Chair, Waseda University, Japan
Dr. Shigeto Kondo, Senior Researcher of JIME Center, IEEJ
Closing remarks:Dr. Keiko Sakurai, Professor of School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda
Seminar: Disease as a Form of Silent Resistance: Engaging in Disease
Markets to Attain Healthcare Services
Pathologies: Professional Patients and the Commodification of Disease in
We are pleased to announce a seminar on disease-related resistance
movements in Egypt with Dr. Mustafa Abdallah, an expert in medical
anthropology from the Free University of Berlin. We look forward to your
3:00 Introduction (Emi Goto, ILCAA, TUFS)
3:10 "Disease as a Form of Silent Resistance: Engaging in Disease
Markets to Attain Healthcare Services" Mustafa Abdalla (The Free
University, Berlin)
4:10 Discussion
Moderator: Junko Toriyama (Ritsumeikan University)
Egypt's healthcare system is grounded in the principle of universal
access to healthcare services, promising equitable treatment for all
citizens. However, the ground realities often reveal a stark contrast.
Drawing inspiration from the perspectives of James C. Scott on everyday
forms of resistance, this paper explores a unique phenomenon that has
emerged within the Egyptian context, where disease has paradoxically
become a tool of silent resistance employed by a particular group of
individuals, which I call “Professional Patients.” By presenting a
detailed examination of this strategy, this paper uncovers the
strategies employed by these individuals to navigate the barriers of the
healthcare system, including adopting a disease identity, and offering
disease services in a growing disease market in order to gain access to
medical services.
Mustafa Abdalla is a medical anthropologist who holds a master’s degree
in anthropology from the American University in Cairo and a doctoral
degree in anthropology from the Free University in Berlin. He conducted
research both in Egypt and Mali focusing on health issues, gender,
sexuality, health, disease, medical education, mobility and religion.
Mustafa Abdalla is affiliated to the Medical Anthropology Unit of the
Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, The Free University,
Berlin and he currently works on his research project “Productive
Pathologies: Professional Patients and the Commodification of Disease in
Grant-in-Aid for The Promotion of Joint International
Research, Fostering Joint International Research (B) Global Migration
and Reconfiguration of Social Relations among Middle Eastern Muslims in
the Age of the Post-Arab Spring (19KK0023), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research (A) Protest on the Street, and Reconsider the Nation: from the
viewpoints of space, violence and resonance (21H04387), Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (A) JSPS Research Project on Islam and Gender:
Towards a Comprehensive Discussion (20H00085)
公開講演会 「ローザンヌ条約から100年ー終わらぬ余波ー」
2023年10月27日(金) 16:20 - 19:00
東京外国語大学(府中キャンパス)研究講義棟 2階 226教室
16:30 - 17:50
講演 (1)
“The Treaty of Lausanne as a Milestone in the Age of Modern Capitalist Civilization: Europe then and now”
アブドゥルラッハマン・ギュルベヤズ(長崎大学 多文化社会学部准教授)
Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman GUELBEYAZ
講演 (2)
“100 Years after the Treaty of Lausanne: Addressing the Kurdish Self-determination Conflict and
International Responsibility”
Prof. Dr. Naif BEZWAN, University of Wien
An Open Workshop
“100 Years from the Lausanne Treaty: The Never-Ending Aftermath”
Room 226, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo
Open for Seating:
Opening Remarks:
Part I: 16:30 - 17:50
“The Treaty of Lausanne as a Milestone in the Age of Modern Capitalist Civilization: Europe then and now”
Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman GUELBEYAZ, Nagasaki University
“100 Years after the Treaty of Lausanne: Addressing the Kurdish Self-determination Conflict and
International Responsibility”
Prof. Dr. Naif BEZWAN, University of Wien
Part II: 18:00-19:00
(1) Discussion
Prof. Tetsuya SAHARA, Meiji University
(2) Q&A
Close: 19:00
No Pre-registration Required.
This event is jointly organized by the Institute of International Relations, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
(https://www.tufs.ac.jp/common/fs/iir/), and Kakenhi Project "The State, Politics and Religious Nationalisms"
Tokyo-Jerusalem Joint Workshop (October 2023):
The Quranic Heritage and Intellectual-Historical Challenges in Early and
Medieval Islam
The present workshop aims to review different aspects of Islamic thought and
culture, as they found expression in the Quran, hadith collections, exegetical
literature, theological and philosophical writings etc. in early and medieval
Islam. Each presentation will cover one specific topic and offer a fresh
evaluation in light of new findings and analyses. The central question is how
Muslim authors struggled to give birth to a new spiritual creation in
intellectual-historical contexts, in which they were inevitably situated. In
this connection, we shall also pay attention to the acts of Verstehenby Muslims
of their canon as well as clusters of interpretations and speculations
surrounding it, not excluding moments of prejudices, deviations and distortions
inherent in them, which are hermeneutically positiveand necessary.
The present workshop will be held as part of the activities carried out under the
international research project “Humanitas Futura: Traditions of Thought and New
Vistas for Understanding Man,” which is propelled by Dr. Koji Yamashiro. On the
basis of the academic collaborations between the University of Tokyo and the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, this project intends to promote creative
interactions on research frontiers and to serve as a truly interdisciplinary
platform for international scholarly cooperation.
October 22, 2023 (Sun), 13:00 – 15:30 (IST)/ 20:00-22:30 (JST)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus Campus, Rabin Building
(The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies), Room 2001
Prof. Meir Bar-Asher (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
13:00-13:05 (IST)/19:00-19:05 (JST)
Greetings by Prof. Nissim Otmazgin (The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities)
13:05-13:25 (IST)/19:05-19:25 (JST)
Dr. Hannelies Koloska (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
“From Sights and Signs: Sensory Piety in the Qur'an”
13:25-13:45 (IST)/19:25-19:45 (JST)
Dr. Koji Yamashiro (The University of Tokyo)
“Al-Burāq behind the Ladder: On Sura 17, Sura 53, Sura 81 and
the Isrā’/Mi‘rāǧTradition”
13:45-14:05 (IST)/19:45-20:05 (JST)
Dr. Tanja Wertmann (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
“The Transmission of Plato through the Epistles of the Brethren of
Purity (Rasā'ilIkhwān al-Ṣafā)”
14:05-14:20 (IST)/20:05-20:20 (JST)
Short Break
14:20-14:40 (IST)/20:20-20:40 (JST)
Dr. Michael Ebstein (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
““Your Lord Has Decreed that You Worship None but Him”: Ibn
al-ʿArabī on the Prophet Noah”
14:40-15:00 (IST)/20:40-21:00 (JST)
Dr. Fuga Kimura (The University of Tokyo)
“Islamic War Theory in the Mamluk Period: The Case of Ibn Jama'a
al-Shafii (d. 1333) and his Sources”
15:00-15:30 (IST)/21:00-21:30 (JST)
Hannelies Koloska, "From Sights and Signs: Sensory Piety in the
The domain of sensation, as an instrument of human experience,
source of knowledge and condition as well as impediment to spiritual
insight, is broad in the Qur’an. However, the examination of the
conceptualization, calibration, and utilization of sensory
perception in the Qur’an is at its very beginning (e.g. Lange 2022,
Bursi 2020, Akkach 2021). Christian Lange is the first scholar who
introduced sensory studies into Islamic Studies within an extensive
framework, but in the historical and philological study of the
Qur’an hardly any comprehensive study exists about the senses in the
Qur’an. In contrast, studies in the cultures and religions of Late
Antiquity are witnessing an increased awareness of the importance of
sensory perception as a cultural act in holy scriptures, theological
writings, and ritual practices. In this talk, I would like to draw
attention to the Qur’anic recourse to the senses and sensual
experiences as requisite and also as an impediment to spiritual
insight, which shows the Qur’an’s active participation in the shared
“age of sensory piety“ of Late Antiquity. Focusing on two Qur’anic
passages: Abraham’s desire to see divine power (Q. 2:260) and the
request of Jesus’ disciples to taste food from a heavenly table (Q.
5:112-115), the talk will discuss a main concern among Christians
and Jews and its Qur’anic response: How the senses of sight and
taste might be utilized and able to recognize, know and respond to
the presence of the divine.
Koji Yamashiro, “Al-Burāq behind the Ladder: On Sura 17, Sura 53,
Sura 81 and the Isrā’/Mi‘rāǧTradition”
This presentation aims to offer a new proposal for solving the
problem of the complex relation between Sura 53 and Sura 81 in
relation to their respective visionary passages, and as a
corollary,to shed somelight on the origin and development of the
early Muslim traditions on the isrā’and mi‘rāǧ, i.e. the Prophet’s
so-called night journey and ascension to heaven, taking into account
the significance of Sura 17 therein. Reference will also be made to
Jewish and Christian connections to the whole issue.
Tanja Wertmann, “The Transmission of Plato through the Epistles of
the Brethren of Purity (Rasā'il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā)”
The encyclopedic oeuvre The Epistles of the Brethren of
Purity(Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’), composed in the 10thcentury,
contains treatises devoted to various spheres of science:
mathematics, natural sciences, astronomy, psychology and
epistemology, metaphysics and theology, music, etc. Both the
identity of the author(s) and the exact period of composition of
the Epistlesremain uncertain. The Epistlesdraw on a variety of
sources, yet it is the Neoplatonic spirit which prevails in the
Plato is mentioned in the Epistles on various occasions, at times in
the frame of ideas and traditions rooted in Plato’s oeuvre, yet
sometimes traditions are ascribed to him which do not originate in
Plato’s writings. This lecture will deal with the striking presence
of Plato’s heritage in the Epistleswhich is not indicated by
references to Plato. A close inquiry into The Epistle on the Essence
of Loveshows that Muslim scholars had access to sources of Platonic
tradition that by far exceed medieval Arabic translations and
adaptations of relevant Greek texts extant today.
Michael Ebstein, ““Your Lord Has Decreed that You Worship None but
Him”: Ibn al-ʿArabī on the Prophet Noah”
Who were the real heroes of the Biblical and Qurʾānic story of the
flood? Who was truly worshipping God, and who was a victim of his
own erroneous beliefs? In my lecture, we will read and discuss the
chapter on Noah in Ibn al-ʿArabī’s (560/1165-638/1240) famous (or
notorious) Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam(“The Ring-Gems of Wisdoms”), in which he
offers his radical interpretation of this classical story,
commenting mainly on chapter 71 of the Qurʾān (sūrat al-nūḥ).
Fuga Kimura, “Islamic War Theory in the Mamluk Period: The Case of
Ibn Jama'a al-Shafii (d. 1333) and his Sources”
Ibn Jama'a (d. 1333) was an Imam (clerics) of the al-Aqsa mosque, a
chief qadi (judge) in both Damascus and Cairo, and a representative
Shafii scholar in the Mamluk era (1250-1517). His work “Tahrir
al-Aḥkam fī Tadbīr Ahl al-Islām (Clarifying the Regulations for
Organizing the People of Islam)” is a representative classic of
Islamic law of war. In this book, he is doing comparative analysis
on early judicial opinions about warfare not only from the
perspective of his own madhhab (school) but also all other Sunni
madhhabs. Based on his analysis, sometimes he criticizes the
representative legal opinions of his own school (like one by Abū
al-Ḥasan al-Māwardī, d. 1058), and moreover he recognizes some
regulations are not fitted and realized in his living time. It means
that he recognized the gap between classical/ideal theory and real
society. In my presentation, through his classical work on Islam, I
will show how he tried to re-create the fundamental regulations of
war and territory through his critical review of early legal
Short Bios
Dr. Hannelies Koloska is a scholar of Qur’anic and Islamic Studies. She is a
senior lecturer at the Department of Comparative Religion at the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on the Qur’an in its late
antique context, and on its interpretation, Islamic material cultures and
religious practices. Her first book, “Revelation, Aesthetics and Qur’anic
Exegesis. Two Studies of Surah 18 (al-Kahf)” (published in German) explores
the rhetorical composition and theological focus of a Qur’anic text and
sketches out its immediate impact on its initial audience and takes account
of later Muslim interpretation. She also published the first German
translation of Aḥkām al-nisāʾ by Ibn al-Jawzī, including considerable
annotations. She currently runs a five-year research project VISIONIS –
Vision and Visuality in the Qur’an and Early Islam funded by the European
Research Council.
Dr. Koji Yamashirois Project Researcher at the University of Tokyo, Research
Center for Advanced Science and Technology, where he leads the research
project “Humanitas Futura:Traditions of Thought and New Vistas for
Understanding Man.” His fields of interest include, among others, the
comparative study of the Abrahamic religions, the theory of religions, the
history of philosophical and scientific ideas, Gnostic and Manichaean
Studies and Jewish and Christian studies.
Dr. Tanja Werthmann is Lecturer in the Department of Jewish Thought at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She specializes in medieval Jewish
philosophy and mysticism against the background of Greek and Arabic thought.
Dr. Michael Ebsteinis a senior lecturer in the Arabic Language and
Literature Department and in the Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
Department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In his research, he
focusses mainly on the study of Islamic mysticism, particularly as it
developed in al-Andalus (Spain or the Iberian Peninsula) during medieval
Dr. Fuga Kimurais Project Assistant Professor at Centre for Middle Eastern
Studies in the University of Tokyo. He is working on the Sunni legal texts
in the Mamluk era. He graduated from Keio University (B.A.), and studied at
the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, where
he obtained an M.A. in March 2019, and a Ph.D. in March 2023. He assumed his
current position in April 2023.
この度、ムサーワーのメンバーが刊行した『ムスリムの結婚における公正と美——平等に基づく倫理と法を目指して(Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Toward Egalitarian
Ethics and
A seminar on "Gender Equality and Islam" will be held on Thursday,
October 19, at 5:00 p.m. (JST) at Webinar. We look forward to your
Webinar: Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage
Two editors of this book will share their ideas about Islamic feminism,
family law, and marriage. This book, coordinated by the Musawah movement
for equality and justice in the Muslim family, brings together a diverse
group of scholars.
This event is a platform for everyone interested in discussions about
how egalitarian marital relations can be supported within existing
Islamic traditions.
*Zoom details will be sent to registered participants
Dr. Mulki Al-Sharmani
Associate Professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at University
of Helsinki, Finland. She is also a member of the knowledge building
working group in Musawah, researching on contemporary Muslim family laws
and their relationship to classical Islamic jurisprudence, etc.
Dr. Ziba Mir-Hosseini
Professorial Research Associate at the Centre for Islamic and Middle
Eastern Law, SOAS, University of London. She is a legal anthropologist,
specializing in Islamic law, gender and Islamic feminism, and a founding
member of Musawah.
Mona Tang (MA student, The University of Tokyo)
Dr. Emi Goto (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Dr. Kartika Diana (The University of Tokyo)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A): Research Project on Islam and Gender
Research Center for Sustainable Peace (RCSP)
Institute of Advanced Global Studies (IAGS), The University of Tokyo
Contact event organizer:
Mona Tang (
ブックトークBook Talk - States of Subsistence: The Politics of Bread in Contemporary Jordan のご案内
Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University will hold a book talk.
Book Talk - States of Subsistence: The Politics of Bread in Contemporary Jordan
Speaker: José Ciro Martínez (University of York)
英国ヨーク大学のJosé Ciro Martínez氏を招き、2022年にご出版の自著States of Subsistence: The Politics of Bread in Contemporary
10月16日(月)15:30-17:00 October 16
上智大学四谷キャンパス2号館6階603会議室 (オンライン同時配信あり)
Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus Building no.2, 6F Room 603 (+zoom)
zoom information will be sent on Oct.13.
Short introduction to book:
On any given day in Jordan, more than nine million residents eat approximately ten million loaves of khubz
'arabi—the slightly leavened flatbread known to many as pita. Some rely on this bread to avoid starvation; for
others it is a customary pleasure. Yet despite its ubiquity in accounts of Middle East politics and society,
rarely do we consider how bread is prepared, consumed, discussed, and circulated—and what this all represents.
Drawing on more than a year working as a baker in Amman, Martínez probes the practices that underpin subsidized
bread. Following bakers and bureaucrats, he offers an immersive examination of social welfare provision.
Martínez argues that the state is best understood as the product of routine practices and actions, through which
it becomes a stable truth in the lives of citizens. States of Subsistence not only describes logics of rule in
contemporary Jordan—and the place of bread within them—but also unpacks how the state endures through forms,
sensations, and practices amid the seemingly unglamorous and unspectacular day-to-day.
東文研セミナー:Jérôme Samuel氏講演会「ジャワ島のガラス絵(19~20世紀):移りゆく世界の写し絵」Tobunken Seminar:
Reverse glass painting in Java, 19th-20th centuries by Professor Jérôme Samuel,
September 24 (Sun)
The Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at the University of Tokyo is pleased
to announce a lecture on September 24 by Professor Jérôme Samuel, Professor at
the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations in Paris and
Director of the Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia in Bangkok,
who is an expert on Malay culture. The lecture will be held in English, but
Japanese translation will be provided. We look forward to your participation if
you are interested in Indonesia, Java, and Islamic art.
1. Subject:
Reverse glass painting in Java, 19th-20th centuries. Reflecting a world in
2. Speaker:
Professor Jérôme Samuel
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO, Paris)/
Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia (Bangkok)
3. Abstract:
Painting under glass was widely practiced in Indonesia between the end of
the 19th century and the 1970s. It was so successful that almost all
Javanese iconography was reproduced on this medium. However, as works on
other media (paper, wood, leather) have survived less well over time,
reverse glass paintings give us access to a range of images that would be
hard to find elsewhere.
In my talk, I will focus on the question of modernity. During the span of
time mentioned above, reverse glass painting has been a kind of emblem of
“modernity”, not only by virtue of the medium itself, but because of the
models these paintings reproduced, the images they displayed and the ideas
they conveyed. Based on a corpus of several hundred items, my aim is to show
that iconography
on glass can contributes to the study of Javanese history in the 19th-20th
centuries, and in particular enable us to better apprehend and understand
iconographic tastes and uses, of course, as well as the circulation of
ideas, both religious and political, within the different strata of colonial
society in its non-European components.
4. Program:
Date and Time: September 24, 2023 (Sun), 15:00~17:00
Language: English(with Japanese translation)
Venue: Meeting Room 303, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The
University of Tokyo http://www.ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/eng/access/
Open to the public (Registration required from the form below): https://forms.gle/fDRBqmST8asNfaoB8
*The form should be submitted by November 20 (Wed), 2023, 12:00 (JST)
5. Biodata of the speaker
Jérôme Samuel is a French researcher, full professor (Indonesian and
Malaysian studies) at Institut National des Langues et Civilisations
Orientales (INALCO, Paris), and currently Director of the Research Institute
on Contemporary Southeast Asia (Bangkok). He is also the editor-in-chief of
the journal Archipel (IRASEC, Paris). Part of his work focuses on Indonesian
Malay, its language policies, terminologies, didactics and mutual
intelligibility with Malaysian Malay. Besides, for the past 20 years, he has
been conducting extensive research on traditional and contemporary reverse
glass painting in Indonesia (Java and Bali). To this end, through numerous
field surveys, he has built a database of over 2,500 items and has published
numerous articles on the subject.
Dr. Christine Kämpfer 講演会 "Just another Travelogue on Qājār Persia? Exploring
the Travel Diaries of the German Botanist Carl Haussknecht (1838–1903) and his
observations on society under Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh"@本郷サテライト/オンライン
なお、Dr. Christine Kämpfer は、国際シンポジウム“Amir Hamza and Beyond: Historical Narratives
and Romances across the Muslim World”(アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所、9月1日〜3日;https://global-mediterranean.aa-ken.jp/news/20230901-03/)、国際ワークショップ
“Magic and the Manipulation of ‘Nature’ in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu
■ イベント名
Dr. Christine Kämpfer氏 講演会 "Just another Travelogue on Qājār Persia?
Exploring the Travel Diaries of the German Botanist Carl Haussknecht
(1838–1903) and his observations on society under Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh"
16:05–16:45 Just another Travelogue on Qājār Persia? Exploring the Travel
Diaries of the German Botanist Carl Haussknecht (1838–1903) and his
observations on society under Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh
16:45–17:15 ディスカッション
■ 題目・要旨
Just another Travelogue on Qājār Persia? Exploring the Travel Diaries of the
German Botanist Carl Haussknecht (1838–1903) and his observations on society
under Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh
Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh’s (1831-1896) era saw an enormous increase in foreigners
coming to Persia as diplomats, missionaries, and European company
representatives. Among these travelers was the German botanist Carl
Haussknecht (1838–1903), whose aim was to collect plants and information on
the local botany. Haussknecht undertook two botanical expeditions to the
so-called Orient: the first in 1865 to the Ottoman Empire, the second in
1866-1869 to the Ottoman Empire and Persia. He recorded his observations in
15 booklets, totaling about 1000 pages, during both journeys. His diaries
were never published, thus his travels are mostly unknown beyond the field
of botany. The travel diaries of Haussknecht provide insights into the
society, politics, and economy of Persia during the 19th century. However,
since the diaries were never edited during his own lifetime, they reveal not
only the genesis of a travelogue but they also provide a meta level access
to Qājār society. This especially is visible in Haussknecht’s treatment of
reading material, details which would probably have been deleted during an
editing process.
This paper presents Haussknecht’s travel diaries as a source for studying
Qājār Persia. Additionally, it shows how their meta level can provide a new
way of studying the sociocultural landscape of the Nāṣirī period.
Dr. Julia Rubanovich 講演会 "Biblical Narrative Poems in Judeo-Persian in
Fourteenth-Century Iran" @本郷サテライト/オンライン
グローバル地中海地域研究アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所拠点では、2023年9月9日(土)に、The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem(イェルサレム)のDr. Julia Rubanovich
なお、Dr. Rubanovichは、国際シンポジウム“Amir Hamza and Beyond: Historical Narratives and
Romances across the Muslim World”(アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所、9月1日〜3日;https://global-mediterranean.aa-ken.jp/news/20230901-03/)、国際ワークショップ
“Magic and the Manipulation of ‘Nature’ in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu
■ イベント名
Dr. Julia Rubanovich 講演会 "Biblical Narrative Poems in Judeo-Persian in
Fourteenth-Century Iran"
14:30–14:35 講演者(Dr. Julia Rubanovich, The Hebrew University of
14:35–15:15 "Biblical Narrative Poems in Judeo-Persian in
Fourteenth-Century Iran"
15:15–15:45 ディスカッション
■ 題目・要旨
Biblical Narrative Poems in Judeo-Persian in Fourteenth-Century Iran
Shāhīn (fl. in the first part of the 14th century) holds the distinction of
being the first known poet to versify portions of the Hebrew Bible in the
Judeo-Persian language in the form of long narrative poems (mathnavī). He is
credited with four works, the most extensive of which is the Bereshit-nāma
(Book of Genesis), composed in 1358/59. Shāhīn was active during the late
Ilkhanid and early post-Mongol periods, a time when new forms of patronage
over literary and artistic production emerged seeking to blend different
cultural worlds. The poet indeed crafted unique amalgams of Jewish and
Perso-Islamic traditions, both in form and content.
In this talk, I will delve into several episodes from the Bereshit-nāma to
explore Shāhīn’s retelling of biblical narratives from a comparative angle,
considering both Jewish and Muslim exegetical sources. My aim is to reveal
the pool of traditions that Shāhīn might have drawn upon for his version and
to elucidate the working techniques and interpretative strategies he
employed. Through this analysis, I hope to demonstrate that despite writing
in Judeo-Persian, the poet was firmly entrenched in a Persianate cultural
国際ワークショップ "Magic and the Manipulation of ‘Nature’ in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu
"Amir Hamza and Beyond: Historical Narratives and Romances across the Muslim
International Workshop
“Magic and the Manipulation of ‘Nature’ in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu Narratives”
Date: Sept. 5 2023
Venue: Seminar Room 4, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
10:00-10:30 Opening remarks Yuriko Yamanaka (National Museum of Ethnology)
“Where Lie the Boundaries of ‘Nature’?”
10:30-11:00 Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila (University of Edinburgh)
"Witchcraft and the Supernatural in Iranian National History"
11:00-11:30 Julia Rubanovich (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
"The Narrative World of the Persian Dastan Vis-à-vis the Binary of Reality and
11:30-12:00 Christine Kämpfer (University of Bamberg)
“The Role of Magic and Otherworlds in Khvaju's Humay-u Humayun”
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-15:00 Museum visit
15:00-15:30 Ulrich Marzolph (University of Göttingen)
“Magic in the Thousand and One Nights”
15:30-16:00 Pasha M. Khan (McGill University)
“Epistemologies of the Qissah Genre and the Challenge of Western
16:00-16:30 Break
16:30-18:00 Discussion
[Funded by NIHU Global Area Studies Program “Global Mediterranean at the National
Museum of Ethnology” and “Global Mediterranean at ILCAA”; JSPS KAKENHI
国際シンポジウム "Amir Hamza and Beyond: Historical Narratives and Romances across the
Muslim World"@AA研303
科研費基盤研究B 「ペルシア語歴史物語の生成、伝播、受容に関する学際的研究」およびグローバル地中海地域研究AA研拠点では、国際シンポジウム"Amir Hamza
Beyond: Historical Narratives and Romances across the Muslim
International Conference
Amir Hamza and Beyond: Historical Narratives and Romances across the Muslim
Date: 1–3 September 2023
Venue: Large Conference Room (303)
Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA),
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
(Address: 3-11-1, Asahicho Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8534, Japan)
Supported by JSPS Kakenhi 20H0125 and the Global Mediterranean at ILCAA
Friday, 1 September 2023
15:00 Opening Remarks
Ulrich Marzolph (Göttingen University)
Illustrating the Persian Epics in Lithographed Editions of the Qajar Period
Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
How did the Hamza Romance Develop over Time? An Analysis of the Zubdat
16:35~17:00 Discussions
18:00~20:00 Conference Dinner
Saturday 2 September 2023
Ben Arps (Leiden University/ILCAA)
‘And God Knows Best What Is Correct’: The Marvels of the Real in and around the
Javanese Amir Hamza
Yumi Sugahara (Osaka University)
The Story of Amir Hamzah as a Muslim Side Epic in Java
12:00~12:30 Discussions
Kumiko Yamamoto (ILCAA)
Performing the Story of Amir Hamza in Iranian Style: Fakhr al-Zamani and the
Oral Performance Model
Pasha M. Khan (McGill University)
The Ways of Storytellers in Mughal South Asia: From Darbar Khan to Baqir
Julia Rubanovich (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Verse Insertions in the Hamza-nama
16:00~17:00 Discussions
Sunday, 3 September
Osamu Otsuka (The University of Tokyo)
Nihayat al-Arab Reconsidered: Reconstructing Pre-Islamic Persian History in the
Arabic Historiography:
Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila (The University of Edinburgh)
Pagan Heroes in an Islamic Society: Literary Responses to the Shahname and its
12:00~12:30 Discussions
Christine Kämpfer (Bamberg University)
The Odd Courtly Romance: The Influence of Popular Romances on Khvaju
Kirmani’s Humay-u Humayun
14:40~15:20 Yuriko Yamanaka (National Museum of Ethnology)
The Demotic Alexander: The Safavid Iskandar-nama and its Possible Impact on
Historical Narratives in Southeast Asia
15:20~16:30 Discussions
16:30 Closing Remarks
von Diebitsch,
Majlis@Waseda: Biking One Lap Around the World for Africa's Last Colony,
July, 2023
We are delighted to announce that The Chair of the State of Qatar in Islamic
Studies at Waseda University will be organizing the Majlis@Waseda on 11th
2023, featuring a distinguished talk titled "Biking One Lap Around the World
Africa's Last Colony". For your convenience, we're sharing some specific
about this event:
Biking One Lap Around the World for Africa's Last Colony
Sanna Ghotbi and Benjamin Ladraa
Sanna and Benjamin are two Swedish human rights defenders biking one lap
the world to raise awareness about Africa's last colony Western Sahara,
has been occupied by Morocco since 1975, and the indigenous people, the
Sahrawis, suffer grave human rights violations. Because Morocco forbids
journalists from entering, there is little knowledge of the situation of
Sahara under occupation. To change that, Sanna and Benjamin are now biking
through 40 countries for over two years. In this event, they will talk about
their tour and Western Sahara.
*Sanna Ghotbi is a human rights activist from Gothenburg, Sweden who has
with a range of issues. She was elected in the city council of Gothenburg
she put forward many policy changes for the rights of undocumented migrants,
unaccompanied refugee youth and women suffering domestic abuse. She has
with indigenous groups in Ecuador and Colombia. She co-founded a democracy
that works with promoting participatory democracy, increasing citizen's
power of
local decision-making in places like New York, Chicago and Sweden focusing
underfunded communities, youth and people of color. Both her parents are
political activists from Kurdistan, Iran and Sanna is working on a book
their life and has the goal of uniting the Kurdish, Palestinian and Sahrawi
struggle together, along with all other occupied groups. Her main passion is
change the way democracy works so that those that are most affected by
decisions are the ones making them.
*Benjamin Ladraa is a human rights activist from Umea, Sweden. He walked 4800
during 11 months from Sweden to Palestine to raise awareness about the
occupation. He did a speaking tour in the US and UK about his journey that
major attention. He biked 2000 km from Gothenburg to Abisko to raise fund
prosthetics to disabled children in Gaza through the PCRF - Palestine
Relief Fund. He walked 500 km from Gothenburg to Stockholm to advocate for
refugee rights in Sweden. During the pandemic he organized a series of
about Western Sahara and intersectional solidarity which are available on
Solidarity Rising's YouTube Channel. His main passion is advocating for
oppressed people's and working to unify struggles in order to strengthen
movements for justice.
11th July 2023
Waseda University, Waseda Campus, Building 3, Room 801
*Please be informed that this event will be conducted as an in-person ONLY
* Majlis are 'sitting places' where community members gather to discuss and
debate events and issues, exchange news, receive guests, socialize and be
entertained in Arab societies
Prof. Patricia
【CSEAS Gender Seminars 2023 with Prof. Patricia Sloane-White】
Seminar 1) Frontiers of Gender Studies in Asia
"Gendering Sharia in the Muslim Workplace: Corporate Islam in Malaysia"
Seminar 2) Seminar on Gender Issues in Academia In Conversation with
Patricia Sloane-White. "Growing a Strong Department of Women and Gender
Professor Patricia Sloane-White is a social anthropologist who earned
Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology at Amherst College, her M.A. in
Anthropology at Princeton University, and her DPhil at University of
She is a professor of anthropology and chair of the Department of Women
Gender Studies with joint appointments in Asian Studies and Islamic
at the University of Delaware, USA. She has been teaching at the
of Delaware since 2002, and prior to that was teaching tutorials in
Anthropology at Oxford University, served as a post-doctoral researcher
the National University of Malaysia (UKM), and is the recipient of two
Fulbright Awards. She has researched Islam, Muslim entrepreneurship, and
corporate business in Malaysia for nearly 30 years and has written
articles on the Malaysian Muslim middle class, gender, shariah, zakat,
the Muslim workplace. The author of Islam, Modernity and
among the Malays (Palgrave/Macmillian 1998), her recent book, the winner
several awards in law and religion, is Corporate Islam: Sharia and the
Modern Workplace (Cambridge University Press, 2017). The book was
into Turkish in 2021. She served as the Chair of the Malaysia,
Brunei Studies group, a section of the Association for Asian Studies in
U.S. for four years until 2022 and currently serves as a member of its
Executive Committee.
THE POWER OF BOOKS とは一体何なのでしょうか。そしてフェミニズムの可能性とは? ご参加の皆さんと一緒に考えていきたいと思います。
Center for Contemporary Art & Editions」も同時に運営しており、Kulte
Center for Contemporary Art & Editions」も同時に運営しており、Kulte
Rachida Chih (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) "The
Presence of
the Prophet: The Construction of the Figure of Muhammad and the Politics
Prophetic Piety in Early Modern and Modern Islam"
Short bio:
Rachida CHIH is a senior research fellow at the French National Center
Scientific Research (CNRS) and a member of the Center for Turkish,
Balkan, and Central Asian Studies (CETOBaC), a faculty of the School for
Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). She is an historian of
Sufism in the Ottoman Arab Lands, Modern Egypt and Morocco. Her most
published works include: 'The Apogee and Consolidation of Sufi Teachings
Organizational Forms (1453-1683)', in The Wiley-Blackwell History of
and Islamic Civilization (2018); Sufism in Ottoman Egypt: Circulation,
Renewal and Authority in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
“Prophetic Piety, Mysticism, and Authority in Premodern Arabic
Literature: al-Jazuli's Dala'il al-Khayrat (15th Century)”,
Journal of Middle East Studies,54 (2022).
Rachida Chih先生研究講演会@京都 [対面実施]
京都大学 本部構内 総合研究2号館 4階AA447(会議室)
Rachida Chih (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) "Waking
of the Prophet and Sainthood in al-Jazūlī's Dalāʼil al-khayrāt (Fifteen
Announcement: Special Lecture by Prof. Rachida Chih in Sophia University,
Dear all,
You are cordially invited to the special lecture by Prof. Rachida Chih
(CNRS-CETOBaC, France).
The lecture is held in English and hybrid mode.
Please see below for the details.
As I informed previously, the special lecture with another title by Prof.Chih
will be held at Kyoto University on 20. May, Saturday [in person].
We look forward to seeing you at the lecture.
Special Lecture by Prof. Rachida Chih in Sophia University, Tokyo
[in hybrid mode]
Rachida Chih (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)"The Presence
the Prophet: The Construction of the Figure of Muhammad and the Politics
Prophetic Piety in Early Modern and Modern Islam"
Short bio:
Rachida CHIH is a senior research fellow at the French National Center
Scientific Research (CNRS) and a member of the Center for Turkish,
Balkan, and Central Asian Studies (CETOBaC), a faculty of the School for
Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). She is an historian of
Sufism in the Ottoman Arab Lands, Modern Egypt and Morocco. Her most
published works include: 'The Apogee and Consolidation of Sufi Teachings
Organizational Forms (1453-1683)', in The Wiley-Blackwell History of
and Islamic Civilization (2018); Sufism in Ottoman Egypt: Circulation,
Renewal and Authority in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
“Prophetic Piety, Mysticism, and Authority in Premodern Arabic
Literature: al-Jazuli's Dala'il al-Khayrat (15th Century)”,
Journal of Middle East Studies,54 (2022).
This lecture is co-hosted by:
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies (KR), Kyoto University
Institute of Islamic Area Studies (SIAS), Sophia University
Sponsored by:
"Research on Moderate Islam in the Non-Arab World: From the Cases of
Indonesia, Pakistan and Turkey"(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
22H00034, JSPS)
"Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in
and Christianity (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JP1900564,
Special Lectures: Life and Social Landscape in Pre-Modern World
Guirguis氏 (Kafrelsheik University) と、イラン・中央アジア考古学のRante Rocco氏 (Musée du
42nd C01-05 Workshop: Life and Social Landscape in Pre-Modern World
6 June 2023 (Tuesday), 15:00 pm
The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Hobun Building 2, Meeting Room 3
Rocco Rante (Musée du Louvre)
The Bukhara Oasis: a History of Water and People
Magdi Guirguis (Kafrelsheik University)
Non-Muslims in Mamluk-Ottoman Egypt: The Limits of the “Coptic
C01-Research Group 05 “Historical research on the urban structure of
Asian “Islamic cities”” (MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on
Innovative Areas: “The Essence of Urban Civilization”)
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo
慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパス(SFC)アラビア語研究室は、ICESCO(Islamic World Educational, Scientific
of Arabic for Non Arabic
慶應義塾大学総合政策学部 山本薫
إعلان إقامة ورشة تدريبية في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها
سيستضيف مختبر اللغة العربية في حرم شونان فوجيساوا بجامعة كيئو الدكتور أنس
سعيد, خبير في مركز اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها في منظمة العالم الإسلامي
للتربية والعلوم والثقافة (إيسيسكو), ويقيم ورشة تدريبية حول الأساليب المبتكرة
تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها في يومي 3 و4 من شهر حزيران / يونيو,
مواعيد الورشة: يوم السبت 3 حزيران / يونيو من الساعة 11 حتى 4:30
يوم الأحد 4 حزيران / يونيو من الساعة 10 حتى 4:00
المكان: جامعة كيئو, حرم هيوشي, مبنى رايئوشا (来往舎), الطابق الثاني
اللغة المستخدمة: اللغة العربية (بدون الترجمة)
دورة مجانية
يرجى التسجيل عن طريق جوجل فورم حتى يوم 25 أيار/مايو. سنرسل للمسجلين برنامج
الورشة والتفاصيل الأخرى عبر الإيميل.
نبذة عن الأستاذ الدكتور أنس حسام سعيد النعيمي. عراقي الجنسية ومقيم في المغرب.
على دكتوراه فلسفة في العلوم الإنسانية في اللغة العربية وآدابها في الجامعة
الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا عام 2012. له خبرة طويلة في تعليم اللغة العربية
ماليزيا وقطر وغيرها, ويعمل حاليًا كخبير في مركز اللغة العربية للناطقين
بغيرها في
إيسيسكو ويقدم دورات تدريبية في مختلف البلدان في العالم.
جهة الاتصال: الأستاذة كاورو ياماموتو
مختبر اللغة العربية في حرم شونان فوجيساوا بجامعة كيئو
Cinemas, Celebrities, and Censors: Making the First Egyptian-Japanese
Arabu no Arashi (Nicholas Mangialardi, Williams College)
Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi is a scholar of Arabic literature and
music whose research focuses on modern Egypt. He is currently working as
a visiting assistant professor of Arabic Studies at the Williams
College. His recent works include “The Social Life of Songbooks”
(ArabLit Quarterly, 2021) and “Deciphering Egyptian Rap Ciphers” (Middle
East Journal of Culture and Communication, 2019).
グローバル地中海地域研究AA研拠点, TUFSフィールドサイエンスコモンズ(TUFiSCo)
The Global Mediterranean Workshop: The circulation of culture between the
East and Japan: On the Japanese Film, Arabu no Arashi
This project examines the circulation of culture between the Middle East
and Japan in the 20th century through the lens of literature and the
performing arts in a broad sense. On this particular occasion, we are
holding a film screening and a lecture followed by a discussion on the
subject of Arabu no Arashi/ Arab Storm, a film set in Egypt starring
Yujiro Ishihara. Particular attention will be paid to aspects of
"projecting the self" and "creating the self," highlighting the ways in
which peoples of the Middle East and Japan have viewed each other.
(1) Screening: June 2, 2023 (Friday), 5:00 pm-
(2) Lecture: June 3, 2023 (Saturday), 2:00 pm-
Venue: Seminar Room 306, Institute for Research in Languages and
Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
(1) Screening
Date: June 2, 2023 (Friday) 5:00-7:30 pm
Venue: Seminar Room 306, ILCAA, TUFS
Language: Film in Japanese, talk in English with a Japanese translation
5:00-5:05 Introduction (Emi Goto, ILCAA, TUFS)
5:05-5:15 On Arabu no Arashi (Nicholas Mangialardi, Williams College)
5:15-6:45 Screening of Arabu no Arashi, (Directed by Yasushi Nakahira, 1961,
* For more information about the film: https://www.nikkatsu.com/movie/20607.html
6:45-7:00 Break
7:00-7:30 Q&A
(2) Lecture
Date: June 3, 2023 (Saturday) 2:00-4:00pm
Venue: Seminar Room 306, ILCAA, TUFS
Language: English
2:00-2:05 Introduction (Emi Goto, ILCAA, TUFS)
2:05-3:00 Cinemas, Celebrities, and Censors: Making the First
Egyptian-Japanese Film Arabu no Arashi (Nicholas Mangialardi, Williams
3:00-4:00 Discussion
Speaker: Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi is a scholar of Arabic literature and
music whose research focuses on modern Egypt. He is currently working as
a visiting assistant professor of Arabic Studies at the Williams
College. His recent works include “The Social Life of Songbooks”
(ArabLit Quarterly, 2021) and “Deciphering Egyptian Rap Ciphers” (Middle
East Journal of Culture and Communication, 2019).
Global Mediterranean at ILCAA, TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
(Emi Goto)
Seminar on Land Tenure, Inheritance, and Gender in Middle East
Ababsaさん(French Institute for the Near-East
Institute of Islamic Area Studies at Sophia University invites Myriam Ababsa
(associate researcher at the French Institute for the Near-East (IFPO)), and
hold a research seminar on the property, inheritance and gender in Jordan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and
Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Maslaha as practiced in Muslim
societies: A comparative study with a special focus on rights of socially
disadvantaged people” (Principal Investigator: Satoe Horii).
Myriam Ababsa is social geographer based in Jordan since 2000. Her work
on the impact of public policies on regional and urban development in Jordan
Syria. She also works for the United Nations as an urban planner. In this
seminar, she will talk about the land tenure and inheritance system in
and social mechanism to exclude women from land property based on the
she carried out in Jordan in 2015-2016.
Kazuaki Takemura (Takachiho University), who has been studying land ownership
the desert with Egypt as his field, will comment on her presentation from a
comparison with Egypt.
17:30-17:35 Opening・岩崎えり奈 Erina IWASAKI(Sophia University)
17:35-18:20 Myriam ABABSA (French Institute for the Near-East
“Women's Land Inheritance Rights and Practices in Jordan”
18:20-18:30 竹村和朗Kazuaki TAKEMURA (高千穂大学 Takachiho University)
18:30-19:00 Discussions
参加申し込みフォーム Registration: https://forms.gle/CYy9KbYLHcSempfH9
(Registration deadline May 18, 2023 )*Seminar URL will be sent to you
【主催 Organization】
(代表:赤堀雅幸)Research on the Dynamics of the Reconstruction of Publicness in
Contemporary Islam (Academic Research Promotion Fund by the Promotion
Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan) (Principal
Investigator: Masayuki Akahori)
科研費基盤(B)「ムスリム社会におけるマスラハ(福利)の実践―弱者の権利をめぐる比較研究」(代表:堀井聡江)Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (B) “Maslaha as practiced in Muslim societies: A
comparative study with a special focus on rights of socially
people” (Principal Investigator: Satoe Horii)
科研費基盤(A)「イスラーム・ジェンダー学と現代的課題に関する応用的・実践的研究」(代表:長澤栄治)Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a
Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa)
Myriam Ababsa has directed the Atlas of Jordan. History, Territories, Society
(Ifpo 2013), and co-edited with Baudouin Dupret and Eric Denis Popular
and Urban Land Tenure in the Middle East (University of Cairo Press, 2012)
with Rami Daher, Cities, Urban Practices and Nation Building in Jordan (Ifpo
She holds a PhD in Geography from the University François Rabelais of Tours
(2004) on Raqqa (Syrian Studies Association, Best Doctoral Dissertation
Special Mention, 2006).
Rachida Chih (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)"Waking
of the Prophet and Sainthood in al-Jazūlī's Dalāʼil al-khayrāt (Fifteen
Waking Visions of the Prophet and Sainthood in al-Jazūlī's Dalāʼil
(Fifteen century)
Abstract: My seminar is part of a long-term research aimed at uncovering
historical conditions and ideological foundations of the religious
and social role of Sufis in the early modern period based on Arabic
Religious history rarely follows the sometimes rapid twists and upsets
political history. Instead, it unfolds over the long term, identifying
transmission, exchange and appropriation of ideas, and of practices
connected to such ideas. I consider the fifteen century as the moment
the Sufi doctrine of the metahistorical reality of the Prophet, and of
sainthood inherited through Muhammadan prophecy, that has developed over
long term became established among the general populace as much as
the ranks of political élites. I propose to look at how a fifteenth
Moroccan collection of prayers for the Prophet which gained
popularity in the Ottoman lands, Dalā'il al-Khayrāt (Proofs of Good
composed in Morocco by Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Jazūlī (d.1465) was
in the diffusion of a doctrinal theme that will be formalised in the
scholarly circles of Medina during the seventeenth century and take the
of “Muhammadan path”: the waking vision of the prophet granted to the
through continuous prayer for him. The recitation of the taṣliya (ṣalāt
al-nabī) became a method of spiritual transmission directly from the
who teaches the Sufi like a master teaches his disciple. The Egyptian
Sha`rānī (d. 1565), who was probably the most widely disseminated Sufi
writer in Egypt from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, goes as
as to write that the waking vision of the Prophet gives the Sufi the
rank of
jurist (mujtahid). He underlined the superiority of the mystical
of the Sufi, who receives knowledge of the legal judgments in its
by means of unveiling (kashf), and in a waking vision, directly from the
Prophet. This shift in the concept of sainthood underlines the temporal
authority and probably unprecedented social role of Sufis at the dawn of
modern era.
Short bio:
Rachida CHIH is a senior research fellow at the French National Center
Scientific Research (CNRS) and a member of the Center for Turkish,
Balkan, and Central Asian Studies (CETOBaC), a faculty of the School for
Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). She is an historian of
Sufism in the Ottoman Arab Lands, Modern Egypt and Morocco. Her most
published works include: 'The Apogee and Consolidation of Sufi Teachings
Organizational Forms (1453-1683)', in The Wiley-Blackwell History of
and Islamic Civilization (2018); Sufism in Ottoman Egypt: Circulation,
Renewal and Authority in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
“Prophetic Piety, Mysticism, and Authority in Premodern Arabic
Literature: al-Jazuli's Dala'il al-Khayrat (15th Century)”,
Journal of Middle East Studies,54 (2022).
Announcement: Special Lecture by Prof. Rachida Chih "Waking Visions of the
Prophet and Sainthood in al-Jazūlī's Dalāʼil al-khayrāt (Fifteen century)"
You are cordially invited to the special lecture by Prof. Rachida Chih
(CNRS-CETOBaC, France).
The lecture is held in English and in-person.
Please see below for the details.
We look forward to seeing you at the lecture.
May 20, 2023, Saturday, 16:00~18:00
Room AA 447 (Meeting room), 4th floor, Research Bldg. No. 2, Kyoto
Rachida Chih (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)"Waking
of the Prophet and Sainthood in al-Jazūlī's Dalāʼil al-khayrāt (Fifteen
Waking Visions of the Prophet and Sainthood in al-Jazūlī's Dalāʼil
(Fifteen century)
Abstract: My seminar is part of a long-term research aimed at uncovering
historical conditions and ideological foundations of the religious
and social role of Sufis in the early modern period based on Arabic
Religious history rarely follows the sometimes rapid twists and upsets
political history. Instead, it unfolds over the long term, identifying
transmission, exchange and appropriation of ideas, and of practices
connected to such ideas. I consider the fifteen century as the moment
the Sufi doctrine of the metahistorical reality of the Prophet, and of
sainthood inherited through Muhammadan prophecy, that has developed over
long term became established among the general populace as much as
the ranks of political élites. I propose to look at how a fifteenth
Moroccan collection of prayers for the Prophet which gained
popularity in the Ottoman lands, Dalā'il al-Khayrāt (Proofs of Good
composed in Morocco by Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Jazūlī (d.1465) was
in the diffusion of a doctrinal theme that will be formalised in the
scholarly circles of Medina during the seventeenth century and take the
of “Muhammadan path”: the waking vision of the prophet granted to the
through continuous prayer for him. The recitation of the taṣliya (ṣalāt
al-nabī) became a method of spiritual transmission directly from the
who teaches the Sufi like a master teaches his disciple. The Egyptian
Sha`rānī (d. 1565), who was probably the most widely disseminated Sufi
writer in Egypt from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, goes as
as to write that the waking vision of the Prophet gives the Sufi the
rank of
jurist (mujtahid). He underlined the superiority of the mystical
of the Sufi, who receives knowledge of the legal judgments in its
by means of unveiling (kashf), and in a waking vision, directly from the
Prophet. This shift in the concept of sainthood underlines the temporal
authority and probably unprecedented social role of Sufis at the dawn of
modern era.
Short bio:
Rachida CHIH is a senior research fellow at the French National Center
Scientific Research (CNRS) and a member of the Center for Turkish,
Balkan, and Central Asian Studies (CETOBaC), a faculty of the School for
Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). She is an historian of
Sufism in the Ottoman Arab Lands, Modern Egypt and Morocco. Her most
published works include: 'The Apogee and Consolidation of Sufi Teachings
Organizational Forms (1453-1683)', in The Wiley-Blackwell History of
and Islamic Civilization (2018); Sufism in Ottoman Egypt: Circulation,
Renewal and Authority in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
“Prophetic Piety, Mysticism, and Authority in Premodern Arabic
Literature: al-Jazuli's Dala'il al-Khayrat (15th Century)”,
Journal of Middle East Studies,54 (2022).
Seminar on Raqqa, Syrian Urban Society
Ababsaさん(French Institute for the Near-East
本セミナーでは、彼女の博士論文であり、2009年に刊行されたRaqqa, Territoires et pratiques sociales d'une
ville syrienne(ラッカ―シリアの一都市における地域と社会的実践)(Presse de
Institute of Islamic Area Studies at Sophia University invites Myriam Ababsa
(associate researcher at the French Institute for the Near-East (IFPO)), and
hold a research seminar on Raqqa, urban society in northern Syria with
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and
Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa).
Myriam Ababsa is social geographer based in Jordan since 2000. Her work
on the impact of public policies on regional and urban development in Jordan
In this seminar, she will talk about the governance and reconstruction of
city from 1864 - 2023, based on her PhD thesis published as Raqqa,
et pratiques sociales d'une ville syrienne (2009). The presentation will be
followed by Yutaka Takaoka who will give a short presentation on tribal
and militia in Raqqa, and Masayuki Akahori's comments.
Myriam ABABSA (French Institute for the Near-East (IFPO))
“Raqqa City Governance, Self Administration and Reconstruction
高岡豊 Yutaka TAKAOKA (University of Tokyo for Foreign Studies
Tribes in al-Raqqa governorate and Syrian conflict
赤堀雅幸Masayuki AKAHORI (Sophia Univresity) Comments
参加申し込みフォーム Registration:https://forms.gle/b1Faur1e45jzRJVF8
(Registration deadline May 15, 2023 )*Seminar URL will be sent to you
【主催 Organization】
Research on the Dynamics of the Reconstruction of Publicness in
Islam (Academic Research Promotion Fund by the Promotion and Mutual Aid
Corporation for Private Schools of Japan) (Principal Investigator:
科研費基盤(A)「イスラーム・ジェンダー学と現代的課題に関する応用的・実践的研究」(代表:長澤栄治)Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a
Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa,
Myriam Ababsa has directed the Atlas of Jordan. History, Territories and
(Ifpo 2013), and co-edited with Baudouin Dupret and Eric Denis Popular
and Urban Land Tenure in the Middle East (University of Cairo Press, 2012)
with Rami Daher, Cities, Urban Practices and Nation Building in Jordan (Ifpo
2011). She holds a PhD in Geography from the University François Rabelais of
Tours (2004) on Raqqa (Syrian Studies Association, Best Doctoral
Prize, Special Mention, 2006). She is a former student of the Ecole Normale
Supérieure (Fontenay-Saint Cloud)
本講演は、3回の連続講演「英国ムスリムチャプレンと家族のウェルビーイング」(Muslim Chaplaincy and Family
Markfield Institute of Higher Education: https://www.mihe.ac.uk/
講演タイトル:イスラームにおけるウェルビーイング観 (Islamic framework of Well-being)
講師:ラフマナラ・チャウドリ博士、マークフィールド高等教育研究所 イスラームと牧会ケア学士課程および修士課程主任
(Dr. Rahmanara Chowdhury, Course Leader for BA and MA Islam and Pastoral
Markfield Institute of Higher Education) https://www.mihe.ac.uk/staff/rahmanara-chowdhury
Chowdhury, R., & Winder, B. (2022). A Web Model of Domestic Violence and
in Muslim Communities
—A Multi Perspective IPA Approach. Social Sciences, 11(8), 354.
Road to Recovery: Healing from Domestic Violence, Taha Publishers, 2021.
Qawwamoon: Protectors and Maintainers, Taha Publishers, 2016.
東文研セミナー "The Ottoman Postal System: An Infrastructural History" のご案内
東京大学東洋文化研究所では、この度、カリフォルニア大学ロサンジェルス校のコー・チュンヒ Koh Choon Hwee先生をお招きして、東文研セミナー
Ottoman Postal System: An Infrastructural History" を下記の要領で開催することになりました。
Like its Roman and Mongol predecessors, the horse-run Ottoman postal
was a sprawling infrastructure essential for everyday imperial affairs.
Unlike them, however, it left behind a sea of paper documentation that
tracked its mundane operations and traced its strategic reforms. Based
this uniquely rich archive, this book project follows eight small-scale
actors across its chapters—The Courier, The Decree, The Bookkeeper, The
Postmaster, The Villager, The Tatar, The Credit Voucher, and The Horse.
offers a history of the Ottoman Empire as a single, meaningful unit, in
stark contrast to the fragmented landscape today of its more than
thirty-five successor nation-states. This is a story about the lands
Belgrade to Baghdad, Crimea to Cairo, circa 1600 to 1900--a vast area
home to a united infrastructure that brought together diverse imperial
subjects to serve a now forgotten Ottoman social order.
International Conference
“Toward Peaceful Alliance and Cooperation in the Caucasus:Tectonic Changes
the Region”
The 2020 Second Karabakh War between Azerbaijan and Armenia changed the
balance of powers in the South Caucasus. Yet, Russia's War in Ukraine has
dramatically impacted the region and beyond. Two distinguished speakers from
Azerbaijan will examine the rapidly changing security landscape in the South
Caucasus and its implications for European security.
Organized by the Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University
Co-organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of
MonotheisticReligions (CISMOR), Doshisha University Grant-in-Aid for
Research (A),Towards a new security paradigm: Lessons from the greater
area(2022-2025) ,Nakanishi Hisae ,22H00051
中西久枝 NAKANISHI Hisae
Professor of the Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University
ワークショップ “Circles of Trust: Marriage, Village Guarantors, and Private Reading
Groups in the Ottoman Empire”
日時:2023年3月25日 (土) 13:30~17:00
Koh Choon Hwee (UCLA): “Trust, Connectivity and Empire: Nested
in the Ottoman Postal System”
Tommaso Stefini (European U Institute): “Risky unions: Venetian/Ottoman
marriages and contested inheritances”
Baki Tezcan (UC Davis): “The not-so-well-connected domains of Ottoman
knowledge production: Su'udi's The Book of Felicity and The New Report
their reception.”
17:00~18:40 Opening session
Opening remarks (Jun Akiba, U Tokyo)
Baki Tezcan (UC Davis): "Birgili, Akhisarlı, and Kadızade: A
Disenchantment in Three Acts."
Jun Akiba: "Visiting the Courtroom through Back Door: A New Look
Ottoman Sharia Courts"
1st Session 10:30~12:00 Law and Justice in the Ottoman
Tommaso Stefini (European U Institute): "Ottoman justice and
Economy of Empires: Venetian merchants in Ottoman Courts
Nora Barakat (Stanford U): "Assembling Private Property in the
Ottoman Empire, From Homs to Hufuf"
2nd Session 13:20~14:50 Early Modern Istanbul: From the Palace
Koh Choon Hwee (UCLA) and Madoka Morita (TUFS): ""How to Keep
Happy: Urban Crowding in Eighteenth-Century Istanbul"
Satoshi Kawamoto (TUFS): "New Dorms for New Elites :The
the Ottoman Palatial Architecture in the Seventeenth Century"
3rd Session 15:20~16:50 Ottoman Urban History
Masato Tanaka (U Tokyo): "'Men of Business and Money':
Civic Associations, and the Formation of a New Social Class in
Ottoman Beirut"
Eunjeong Yi (Seoul U) and Madoka Morita: "Reconsidering Mahalles
Ottoman Istanbul" (tentative title)
Tārīkh-i Banākatī Reconsidered: Beyond Rashīd al-Dīn-centrism Osamu
(The University of Tokyo)
Abū Sulaymān Dāwūd b. Abī al-Faḍl Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Dāwūd
al-Banākatī's Tārīkh-i Banākatī is a Persian universal history compiled
in the Ilkhanid period that was dedicated to the ninth Ilkhanid ruler,
Abū Sa'īd (r. 1316-35) on 31 December 1317. This work has commonly been
considered to be an abridgement of Rashīd al-Dīn's (d. 1318) Jāmi'
al-Tawārīkh since the middle of the nineteenth century. This kind of
negative evaluation is found deeply rooted in most previous studies.
While the work Jāmi' al-Tawārīkh is highly admired and widely studied,
other Persian universal histories written in the Ilkhanid period
including the Tārīkh-i Banākatī, have not attracted commensurate
attention. It is worth noting that later intellectuals in pre-modern
Persianate societies never evaluated the Tārīkh-i Banākatīas a mere
abridgement of the Jāmi' al-Tawārīkh, which has no value. This paper is
the first philological study of the Tārīkh-i Banākatī. By investigating
its remaining manuscripts and comparing the text with that of other
Persian universal histories, I reconsider its historical value in
Persian historiographical studies (especially in the Ilkhanid period).
Read by Whom? On the Question of Readership of the Ḥabīb al-Siyar in the
Eastern Islamic World Philip BOCKHOLT (WWU, Münster)
The Persian world history Ḥabīb al-Siyar is one of the most copied
historiographical works in Islamic intellectual history. Written by the
Iranian historian Khvāndamīr (d. 1535/36) in Herat during the rule of
the Shiʿi Safavids in the 1520s, the book was subsequently adapted to
the religious and political expectations of his later patrons, the Sunni
Mughals in India, and circulated through hundreds of copies spread
across the entire eastern Islamic world. In my paper, I will analyse
manuscript copies of the work and offer new insights into their
readership at various locations in the premodern Islamic world. Taking
cues from reception, provenance, and historical readership studies, I
will examine ownership and readership notes, endowment seals and
illustrations in order to shed light on the owners and readers of the
work between the 16th and early 20th centuries. By giving an in-depth
analysis of marginal notes found in the extant copies, I will situate
the Ḥabīb al-Siyar within the broader framework of Islamic book culture
and show that the chronicle was part of a larger canon of texts. This
canon was read within a greater Persianate world including not only the
Safavid court in Iran and the Mughal court in India, but also places on
the Deccan as well as in Central Asia and the Ottoman Empire. My paper
thus offers comprehensive insights into the transregional transmission
of Persian historiography as well as regionally specific readership
ワークショップ“Trade Diasporas across the Early Modern Mediterranean”のご案内
Dear all.,
Minpaku Special Research Project annonces the international symposium
Area Studies: Towards a New Epistemology for Mapping the Globalizing World”
11th and 12th March, 2023.
Due to venue constraints, we are only inviting participation via webinar
register by 8th March).
Please see for registration and program details: https://www.minpaku.ac.jp/en/ai1ec_event/40796.
11th and 12th March, 2023
National Museum of Ethnology (Zoom Webinar)
Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation is available)
March 11 (Saturday), JST (GMT +9:00)
Welcome Speech by Tetsuo Nishio (Project Leader, National Museum of
Opening Remarks by Kenji Yoshida (Director-General, National Museum of
Panel Session 1: Global China
Introductory Speech by Masashi Nara (Session Facilitator, National Museum of
Noriko Unno (Waseda University)
“Sino-Muslims and the Ottoman Empire in Early Twentieth-century China”
Alessandro Rippa(University of Oslo)
“Thinking through amber: Global China and area studies”
Yukihiro Kawaguchi (Tohoku University)
“Great Wall in Nigeria: Cleavage and transaction between Chinese immigrants
local merchants”
Discussant: Masashi Nara
Panel Session 2: Mobilities and Connectivity to Global space in Modern and
Contemporary Iran
Introductory Speech by Kenji Kuroda (Session Facilitator, National Museum of
Kenji Kuroda (National Museum of Ethnology)
“Transportation, Hinterlands, and Intermediaries in Early 20th Century”
Mikiya Koyagi (The University of Texas at Austin)
“Infrastructural Networks in the Indo-Afghan-Iranian Borderlands”
Atsuko Tsubakihara (Ryukoku University)
“Destinations and Tastes of Japanese Porcelain”
Discussant: Tomoko Yamagishi (Meiji University)
1st Day Concluding Speech and General Discussion
Tetsuo Nishio (National Museum of Ethnology)
“From Global Area Studies to Global Humanities for Co-creating Global
2nd Day: March 12 (Sunday), JST (GMT +9:00)
Panel Session 3: South Asian Diasporas and Diverse Connectivity: Mobilities,
Representations, and Values
Introductory Speech by Yoshiaki Takemura (Session Facilitator, National
of Ethnology)
Nisha Mathew (Mahindra University)
“A City, Migrants and their Cosmopolis of Glitter”
Yoshiaki Takemura (National Museum of Ethnology)
“Questioning from Underfoot and Across the Shore: Re-evaluating and
Re-contextualizing the Hereditary Dancing Community on Classical Dance in
Discussant: Aya Ikegame (Kyoto University)
Panel Session 4: Colonial Encounters and Post-Colonial Present
Chair: Naoko Shimazu (Asia Research Institute, NUS / Yale-NUS College)
Hatsuki Aishima (National Museum of Ethnology)
“Introduction: Aesthetics of Body and Power in Egyptian Karate”
Lucy Riall (European University Institute) / Christian Goeschel (University
“The Italian and German Empires: Latecomers or Pioneers?”
Benjamin Soares (University of Florida)
“Excavating Contentious Muslim-Christian Encounters in West Africa”
2nd Day Concluding Speech and General Discussion
Hideaki Suzuki (National Museum of Ethnology)
“How Can We Map the Globalizing World: A Perspective from Global History as
of the Many Ways”
【Inquiry】E-mail:gassympo2023★gmail.com(Please replace [at] with @)
International Workshop: "Kalila and Dimna in Anatolia: Persian and Turkish
English follows Japanese.
■ イベント名
International Workshop: "Kalila and Dimna in Anatolia: Persian and
Dr. Yui Kanda (ILCAA, TUFS), "Reception of the Persian Metrical
Version of Kalila and Dimna in Anatolia During the Early Modern
Dr. Philip Bockholt (WWU, Münster), "On the Turkish Tradition of
Kalīla and Dimna: Parallel Translations for Different Patrons"
■ 題目・要旨
Yui KANDA (ILCAA, TUFS), "Reception of the Persian Metrical Version of
Kalila and Dimna in Anatolia During the Early Modern Period"
In recent years, a considerable literature has grown up around the theme
the diffusion and reception of various versions of Kalila and Dimna, a
collection of didactic animal fables that circulated widely in the
East and beyond after the production of Arabic prose version by Ibn
al-Muqaffaʿ in the eighth century. Up to now, however, research
Persian metrical version of Kalila and Dimna, particularly that composed
Qāniʿī Ṭūsī around 1260 for the Seljuq ruler of Anatolia, Kaykāʾūs II
1246-62), remains underdeveloped due to a relatively small number of
manuscripts that survive to date. To address this gap in the literature,
this presentation begins by providing a list of extant manuscripts of
work and introduces the contents of this hitherto less explored version
Kalila and Dimna. It will then examine the only known illuminated and
illustrated manuscript, dated 900/1495 (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Sangrahalaya [Mumbai], 51.34). While seven illustrated folios of this
particular manuscript have occasionally been mentioned by art historians
the context of discussing the development of Ottoman illustrated
manuscripts, its detailed codicological and textual analysis has yet to
conducted. Based on my own examination of this Mumbai manuscript and
contemporaneous primary sources (including another manuscript of this
in the British Library), this paper proposes the possibility that it was
produced in Istanbul for the court of Bāyāzīd II (r. 1481-1512). It also
discusses a possible implication of this finding for the reception
of Kalila and Dimna in the early modern Persianate world.
Philip BOCKHOLT (WWU, Münster), "On the Turkish Tradition of the Kalīla
Dimna: Parallel Translations for Different Patrons"
The genre of mirrors for princes has a long tradition in the Middle East
beyond, dating back to pre-Islamic times. From the middle of the eighth
century onwards, books of advice literature in various languages were
produced and distributed throughout the Islamic world. Among these
the collection of fables Kalīla and Dimna is a special case, as it was
translated from Sanskrit into Middle Persian and later into Arabic,
and Ottoman Turkish, as well as many European languages. This is also
for the Turkish principalities of Anatolia in the late medieval and
modern periods, where several versions of the text translated from
and written in Old Anatolian Turkish emerged. While most of the early
Turkish versions fell into oblivion shortly after they were written,
Çelebi's (d. c. 1543) Hümāyūnnāme stands out. As an Ottoman Turkish
translation of the Persian Anvār-i Suhaylī of the Herati scholar Ḥusayn
Vāʿiż-i Kāshifī (d. 1504/5), the Hümāyūnnāme not only did not fall into
oblivion, but was copied and disseminated throughout the Ottoman Empire
the Balkans to the Arab provinces. Focusing on the prefaces and
epilogues of
the Hümāyūnnāme and its predecessors in Old Anatolian and Ottoman
Turkish, I
will first discuss the reasons for the differences in production and
transmission as well as the role of the translators and their patrons.
Second, taking into account the manuscript tradition of the different
versions, I will analyse the paratextual elements found in the
manuscriptcopies in order to answer questions about the intended and
■ 発表者プロフィール
Philip BOCKHOLT is Junior Professor for the History of the Turco-Persian
world at the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University
Münster (since October 2022). From 2022 to 2028, he will head the Emmy
Noether Junior Research Group, “Inner-Islamic knowledge transfer in
Arabic-Persian-Ottoman translation processes in the Eastern
(1400-1750)” (cf. TRANSLAPT https://go.wwu.de/translapt). He was
formerly a
research associate at the Institute of Oriental Studies at the
University of
Leipzig and received his PhD in Islamic Studies from Freie Universität
Berlin in 2018. His PhD dissertation examined historiography in Iran in
early Safavid period (16th century) and provided an analysis of
Ḥabīb al-Siyar (Beloved of Careers) and its readership. It was published
two volumes by Brill (Leiden/Boston) as Weltgeschichtsschreibung
Schia und Sunna (Writing World History between Shia and Sunna) and
Academy of Sciences Press (Vienna) as Ein Bestseller der islamischen
Vormoderne (A Bestseller of Pre-Modern Times) in 2021-2. A series of
research fellowships took him to Istanbul, Jerusalem, Madrid, Paris and
Saint Petersburg.
Yui KANDA is Project Assistant Professor at the Research Institute for
Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign
Studies. Her research focuses on Islamic works of art (ceramics,
and illustrated manuscripts) of the late medieval and the early modern
period in the Middle East and South Asia. She is the author of “'If I
Circumambulate around Him, I Will Be Burnt': A Brass Candlestick Endowed
the Mausoleum of Imam Musa al-Kazim, Kazimayn,” Iran: Journal of the
Institute of Persian Studies
and “Kashan Revisited: A Luster-Painted Ceramic Tombstone Inscribed with
Chronogram Poem by Muhtasham Kashani,” Muqarnas 34, 2017, pp. 273-86.
current project explores the reception history of various versions of
and Dimna in the early modern Persianate world.
別便にてご案内しました通り、弊拠点では2023年3月21日(火)にも、Dr. Philip
International Workshop: "Kalila and Dimna in Anatolia: Persian and Turkish
Date and Venue:
2:30 PM-5:00 PM [GMT+9], 11 March 2023 (Sat)
in person (@Room 306 of ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies,
Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-8534, JAPAN http://www.aa.tufs.ac.jp/en/about/access ) and
*Pre-registration (deadline: 23:59 [GMT+9], 9 March 2023) is required for
Philip Bockholt氏 講演会 "The Many Persian and Turkish Versions of the Ḥabīb
English follows Japanese.
■ イベント名
Philip Bockholt氏 講演会 "The Many Persian and Turkish Versions of the Ḥabīb
Dr. Philip Bockholt (WWU, Münster), "The Many Persian and Turkish
Versions of the Ḥabīb al-Siyar"
■ 題目・要旨
Philip BOCKHOLT(WWU, Münster), “The Many Persian and Turkish Versions of the
Ḥabīb al-Siyar"
Khvāndamīr's general history Ḥabīb al-Siyar of 1524 was by far the most
important historiographical work of the early Safavid and Mughal periods.
into account the political events that took place in Iran, Central Asia and
India around 1500, I will first examine the manuscript tradition of the work
analyse in detail how the author adapted his chronicle to the Shiʿi and
religio-political worldview of his Safavid and Mughal overlords. This will
provide answers to the questions of how Khvāndamīr combined past events, how
understood “writing history” and what patterns he relied on to construct his
work. Secondly, I will trace the Ḥabīb al-Siyar in its “Turkish garb” and
light on its translation, which was commissioned by the Ottoman grand vizier
Dāmād İbrāhīm Pasha in the 1720s, at a time when the Ottomans were at war
their Safavid neighbours. Since Khvāndamīr wrote the work for the Ottomans'
arch-enemies and gave it a Shiʿī orientation, the committee of several
translators appointed by the grand vizier faced the challenge of translating
explicitly anti-Ottoman and pro-Shiʿī sections within the text. In
particular, I
will focus on the translators' approach to historical events that were of
importance to the Ottomans, such as Sultan Selīm's victory over Shah Ismāʿīl
Chāldirān in 1514. The analysis will shed light on the relationships between
scholars and patrons, as well as the transmission of texts against the
respective religious and political backgrounds of the Eastern Mediterranean
the early modern period.
■ 講演者プロフィール
Philip Bockholt is Junior Professor for the History of the Turco-Persian
at the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Münster
(since October 2022). From 2022 to 2028, he will head the Emmy Noether
Research Group, “Inner-Islamic knowledge transfer in Arabic-Persian-Ottoman
translation processes in the Eastern Mediterranean (1400-1750)” (cf.
https://go.wwu.de/translapt). He was formerly a research associate at the
Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Leipzig and received his
in Islamic Studies from Freie Universität Berlin in 2018. His PhD
examined historiography in Iran in the early Safavid period (16th century)
provided an analysis of Khvāndamīr's Ḥabīb al-Siyar (Beloved of Careers) and
readership. It was published in two volumes by Brill (Leiden/Boston) as
Weltgeschichtsschreibung zwischen Schia und Sunna (Writing World History
Shia and Sunna) and Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (Vienna) as Ein
Bestseller der islamischen Vormoderne (A Bestseller of Pre-Modern Times) in
2021-2. A series of research fellowships took him to Istanbul, Jerusalem,
Madrid, Paris and Saint Petersburg.
なお、弊拠点では2023年3月11日(土)、および3月21日(火)にも、Dr. Philip
Lecture by Dr. Philip Bockholt "The Many Persian and Turkish Versions of the
Ḥabīb al-Siyar"
Date and Venue:
3:30 PM-5:00 PM [GMT+9], 7 March 2023 (Tue)
in person (@8F of Hongo Satellite, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies,
2-14-10 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033) and online
*Pre-registration (deadline: 23:59 [GMT+9], 5 March 2023) is required
this lecture: https://forms.gle/jz4Gy45JSTp92N4C7
3:30 PM-3:40 PM
3:40 PM-4:20 PM
Dr. Philip Bockholt (WWU, Münster), "The Many Persian and
Versions of the Ḥabīb al-Siyar"
Mar 4 (Sat) Workshop: Echoes from the Medieval West Asian Cities at the
Univesity of Tokyo
Echoes from the Medieval West Asian Citiesを開催します。対面のみでの開催となります(参加無料・事前申込不要)。
Echoes from the Medieval West Asian Cities
4 March 2023, Saturday, 14:00-18:00
Meeting Room 3, Hobun Bldg. 2, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Yoichi Isahaya (Hokkaido University) 諫早庸一(北海道大学)"Locus for Power, Locus for
Intellect: Tūsī Family at the Marāgha Observatory"
Tomoko Morikawa (The University of Tokyo) 守川知子(東京大学)“Mapping Medieval
Urban areas, minarets and cemeteries”
Nobutaka Nakamachi (Konan University) 中町信孝(甲南大学)“A Tunisian scholar in the
cities: Knowledge transmission from al-Ayni to al-Washtati”
Ayumi Yanagiya (The Toyo Bunko) 柳谷あゆみ(東洋文庫) “Rulers echoing in the ears:
al-Shi'ar in Syrian cities of the 5th-6th/11th-12th centuries”
Vanessa Van Renterghem (INALCO) ヴァネッサ・ヴァン・ランテルガン(フランス国立東洋言語文化学院)"Riots and
control in medieval Baghdad (11th-12th century)"
Organized by C01-Research Group 05: Historical research on the urban
structure of
West Asian “Islamic cities” (MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on
Innovative Areas: “The Essence of Urban Civilization”)
国際ワークショップ “Trade, Diplomacy and Capitulations in Early Modern World”
Date & Time:
March 3, 2023, 13:30-17:00
KONDO Nobuaki (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
DAITO Norifumi (Historiographical Institute, the University of
“Trade, Consumption and Diplomacy in the Indian Ocean”
Michael TALBOT (University of Greenwich)
“Diplomacy in Practice: Dispute Resolution in Eighteenth-Century
Ottoman-British Relations”
MATSUI Masako (Aichi Gakuin University)
“Dutch Encounters with the Ottoman Empire: Did Ottoman
influence Dutch Eastern Diplomacy?”
Room 303, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
(registered participants may also access the workshop online by Zoom),
to public/Admission free, Pre-registration is required.
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), “The Ideas of the
Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki
20H05827)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), “Toward a Global
of Inter-State Relations: A Comparative Study on Governmental Controls
Commercial Exchanges and Traffics in Eurasia, 1400-1900” (Principal
Investigator: MATSUKATA Fuyuko (Historiographical Institute, the
of Tokyo); 21H04355)
A City Illuminated: A Noble Lineage in Ottoman Cairo
(内容) :
Images of light and illumination are common to Sufi theology, nighttime
religious devotions, and the social life of the religious nobility in
in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. As the most prominent
lineage of
scholars and Sufis in Ottoman Cairo, the Bakri Lords combined a
lifestyle with a commitment to spiritual leadership to create a distinct
form of sociability that illuminated Cairo and beyond.
対面方式、使用言語 (英語)
Local Power in an Imperial Context: The Rise and Fall of an Arab Shaykh
Sixteenth-Century Egypt
(内容) :
Emir ʿĪsā b. Ismāʿīl, shaykh of the Banī ʿAwna, emir of al-Buḥayra, and
twice emir of the Egyptian Hajj caravan, rose to unprecedented
prominence in
mid-sixteenth century Egypt. Allying himself with members of the Ottoman
court at the end of the reign of Sultan Süleyman, he used political
influence, bribery, and outright coercion to dominate much of the rural
Delta before his grand ambitions led to his downfall. His career
provides a
window into the dilemmas of Ottoman governance in rural Egypt, in which
limited military and administrative apparatus, the monetization of
holding through rural tax-farming, and Istanbul's ambitions to use
resources to fund larger imperial projects led it to empower tribal
resulting in fierce local power struggles. (オスマン朝期のエジプト・デルタ農村と同朝支配をめぐって)
対面方式、使用言語 (英語)
Moderator: Dr. Namie Tsujigami (Professor, Sophia
University) 開会(司会:辻上奈美江(上智大学教授)
Speaker: Dr. Rita Stephan (Visiting Researcher, North Carolina State
University) "Women Rising"
Discussant: Dr. Eva Ohbaya (Senior Assistant Professor, Keio
University)コメント 大隼エヴァ(慶應義塾大学講師)
Rising: In and Beyond the Arab
2.日時:24 Feb (Fri)
COVID and Gender in the Middle East「中東地域におけるコロナ禍とジェンダー」
Moderator: Dr. Namie Tsujigami (Professor, Sophia
University) 開会(司会:辻上奈美江(上智大学教授)
Speaker: Dr. Rita Stephan (Visiting Researcher, North Carolina State
University) "COVID and Gender in the Middle East" リタ・ステファン博士Rita Stephan
Discussant: Dr. Eva Ohbaya (Senior Assistant Professor, Keio University)
コメント 大隼エヴァ(慶應義塾大学講師)
and Gender in the Middle Eastをもとに、中東地域におけるコロナ禍のジェンダー関係への影響について議論する。
Qajar Round Table: Urban Landscapes in Qajar Iran at Kyoto University
Round Table: Urban Landscapes in Qajar
Qajar Round Table: Urban Landscapes in Qajar Iran
Monday 20 February 2023, 10:00 am-18:00 pm
Conference Room (4th Floor), Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto
【プログラム Program】
Opening Address: Minoru INABA (Director of Institute for
Research in
Humanities, Kyoto University) 稲葉穣(京都大学人文科学研究所所長)
Opening Remarks: Tomoko MORIKAWA (The University of Tokyo)
Tomoko MORIKAWA (The University of Tokyo) 守川知子
Artisans and Handicrafts of 19th century Isfahan: Legacy of
Susan ASILI (Tehran University) スーサン・アスィーリー(テヘラン大学)
Women's Socio-economic position in the urban life of Tehran
the Qajar period: A Case Study based on the Daftar-e Shar'iyat
the Imam Jom'e Khoie
Ichiro OZAWA (Ritsumeikan University) 小澤一郎(立命館大学)
Cities and Settlements in Iranian Makran at the Turn of the 19th
20th Centuries
Takashi KURODA (Tohoku University) 黒田卓(東北大学)
A Photo with Mirza 'Ali Asghar Khan Atabak in it, taken during
stay in Japan: Reconstructing its Context
Landscapes of Constitutionalism in Tehran: The Capital and Its
Nobuaki KONDO (Tokyo University for Foreign Studies)
Between Cities and Villages: a Qasabe in Qajar Demography
General Discussion
Closing Remarks: Tomoko MORIKAWA
Organized by C01-Research Group 05:
Historical research on the urban structure of West Asian “Islamic
(MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas: “The
of Urban Civilization”)
Seminar Room 4 (3rd Floor), Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto
Opening Address: Minoru INABA (Director of Institute for Research in
Humanities, Kyoto University)
“Urban Structure and Urban Change in Seljuq Baghdad”
Anja PISTOR-HATAM (Kiel University)
“Tehran at the Transition from the Qajars to the Pahlavis: Modernization
the History of Everyday Life”
Tomoko MORIKAWA (The University of Tokyo)
Organized by C01-Research Group 05:
Historical research on the urban structure of West Asian “Islamic
(MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas: “The
of Urban Civilization”)
TEI(Text Encoding
Digital Libraryを事例に、TEIデータセットの人文科学分野における活用と、研究成果をデジタルアーカイブに統合する方法を紹介します。
Digital Libraryを例にとって説明します。
”Judeo Arabic Letters and Documents from the Cairo Geniza”
アミール・アシュール博士 Dr. Amir Ashur
1. TS 8 J 17.15: On his way out, Allān writes from Aydhāb to his family
Fustat. He was prepared to embark (for Aden or directly to India)
immediately, although no merchants, including those in the Kārim fleet,
yet arrived from the East. Had he known how great his yearnings to his
family would become, he would not have traveled at all. He had taken a
together with Yahyā, since the rafiq, or travel companion, whom he had
chosen while setting out from Fustat, had proved to be unreliable. Note.
letter to Allān, TS 3 J 17, f. 15, written to him by his boy Zayn al-dār
("Ornament of the House," who is mentioned also here), transl. in Med.
III, 193-194, was sent to him while on a business trip to the Maghreb
years before.
Edited by Goitein, 'Portrait of a Medieval India Trader: Three Letters
the Cairo Geniza', Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African
Studies, ,
Vol. 50,No. 3 (1987), pp. 449-464, Document n. III (transliterated to
2. ENA NS 31.21: A draft of a battered wifeʼs letter a communal
The writer describes her sufferings at the hand of her husband and his
family and asks the help of the recipient. Since the letter contains no
names, it can be only generally dated by the script to around 1150-1250.
seems that the writing in the verso was smeared and the scribe repeated
lines below. The language of the letter is rather difficult and contains
many features of colloquial Arabic (was the scribe dictating the womanʼs
speech verbatim?), thus making the translation uncertain in several
(Zinger, p. 336-339)
T-S 12.192- letter with his signature.
5519A.1- responsum, OR 5519A.1 (Blau, n. 275)
JTS MS 8254, fol. 10, responsum (Blau, n. 273)
T-S 12.199, responsum (Blau, n. 277)
T-S 12.200, responsum (Blau, n. 278)
T-S 16.28, responsum on legal deed (Blau, 281)
1. Moss. VIII,35, Guide, part 1, ch. 17-21 (Yellin, Tarbiz)
Legal documents:
TS 16.138. - partnership. Lieberman p. 131-133
Bodl MS Heb a 3 40verso: settlement between husband and wife
(Zinger, 329-332)
TS 10 J 27.12: Bill of release after divorce (Zinger, 381-383)
TS Ar 52.177: In this legal deed, Sitt al-Kull bt. Elijah, the
of Yakhin (=Thābit) b. Shabbat, presented her ketubba to the
which examined it and confirmed that she was owed by her husband
seventy-five dinars (Zinger, 398-400)
TS 24.15: Agreement between husband and wife (Ashur, 214-216)
Muslim Feminism Thoughts in the Early 20th Century: Qasim Amin and Tahar
Date & Time/日時:
Feb. 14, 2023 2:00-4:15 pm (JST)
Sophia University (Yotsuya Campus)
上智大学(四谷)図書館9階 L911号室
English 英語
This workshop will discuss the emergence and development of the ideas of
women's liberation in Arab societies, comparing Egyptian jurist Qasim
Amin (1863-1908) and Tunisian reformist thinker Tahar Haddad
(1899-1935). The first presenter, Goto, will focus on how Qasim Amin's
messages were received and developed by later Egyptian women's activists
and describe the flowering of feminism in Egypt. Okazaki focuses on
women's labor in Qasim Amin's book The New Woman (1900) and shows how it
led to the Tunisian reformist thinker Tahar Haddad. The final presenter,
Hernandez-Justo examines Tahar Haddad's work, Muslim Women in Law and
Society (1930), to examine how Tunisian women's labor was perceived at
the time.
Erina Iwasaki (Sophia University)
Opening remarks
Hitomi Ono (The University of Tokyo)
Title: The roles of male intellectuals in the development of feminism:
the case of early twentieth-century Egypt
Speaker:Emi Goto (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia
Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
This presentation considers the role of male intellectuals in early
by focusing on Qasim Amin. While Amin has been hailed as the “father of
feminism”, his writings have also been criticized as reflecting (false)
feminism rooted in colonialism. In this presentation, I examine the
assessments of Amin made in the writings of two contemporary female
activists: Huda Sha'arawi (1879-1947) and Nabawiya Musa (1886-1951). For
them, Amin's writings were both inspiring and lacking some elements, to
bring about a new society in which women live better lives.
Title: How did Nahda thinkers understand women's labor? -with a focus on
Qasim Amin's The New Woman
Speaker:Hiroki Okazaki (Asia University)
Ideas of women's liberation in the modern era have been linked to labor
theory in both the West and the East. I will focus on how women's labor
argued in Qasim Amin's The New Woman (1900) and how it was later
to the ideas of Taher Haddad. I will examine then how the relationship
between women and labor has been discussed in Nahda's thought since
comparing it with the history of women's liberation thought in Western
Europe and Japan.
Coffee Break
Title: Working women, invisible women? Female participation in Tunisia's
labor market according to Tahar Haddad
Speaker:Tatiana Hernandez-Justo (Spanish National Research Council)
Tahar Haddad was a modernist scholar renowned for his contribution to
unionism and female emancipation in Tunisia. He was active at a point in
time in which said issues were cornerstones of the reformist debate as
as of the nationalist struggle. Having published books on both of them,
aim with this presentation is to analyze Haddad's views in hopes of
understanding the links between the two, what it was like to be a
working woman in the 1930s and how they were viewed by society at large.
RSGC Seminar on Social Problems in the Middle East: Establishing Research
Networks between the Middle East and Asia
2023年2月9日(木) 13:30より_Feb 9 (Thu), 2023 13_30-
東京大学駒場キャンパス 第18号館4階 セミナールーム1 /Zoom参加あり
University of Tokyo: Seminar Room 1, 4th Floor, Bldg. 18, the University
Tokyo, Komaba(3-8-1, Komaba, Meguro-ward, Tokyo 153-8902)
マフムード・カイスィー Mahmoud Al-Qaysi (バグダード大学University of Baghdad,
イラクの出版事情:ワタン概念と国家建設On the current situation of publications in
A study of the Concepts of Watan and State Building
ヤースィル・カラウィー Yasir al-Karawi (イスラー大学、アドナン書店 Isra University,
イラク「ムタナッビーの金曜日」における知識人との対話、若者の社会意識との関係Conversations of
in Mutanabbí's Friday in Iraq and its relation with the social
consciousness of the youth
岡崎弘樹 Hiroki Okazaki (亜細亜大学Asia University, Tokyo)
シリア・イスラーム主義者による新たな抵抗の形式:パルミラ監獄のメモワールを読むNew Form of Protest Shown
Syrian Islamists -Reading the Palmyra
Prison Memoirs of a Former Muslim Brotherhood Member-
討論 Discussion
休憩 Tea break
第二部 Part II: 女性と若者が置かれた状況On the situation of Women and Youth
シーリーン・ムハンマドShireen Muhammad (バグダード大学University of Baghdad,
戦後イラクの2つのジェンダーの声:社会的政治的移動におけるフェミニストの役割 Two Gender Voices in
Iraq: Feminist Role in the Social and political Mobility
山本薫 Kaoru Yamamoto (慶應大学Keio University, Tokyo)
抵抗としてのラップ音楽? 若者のムードと音楽Rap music as resistance?: Moods and Music
ハシブッラー・ムワッヒドHasibullah Mowahed (東京外国語大学/カーブル大学 Tokyo University
Foreign Studies, Tokyo)
Impact of Afghanistan's economic situation on the social
of Afghan youth
討論 Discussion
全体討論 General Discussion
閉会の辞Closing Remarks:
ラルビー・サーディキーLarbi Sadiki (カタール・グローバル問題中東評議会
Middle East Council on Global Affairs, Qatar)
Sponsored by:
JSPS Core-to-Core program: Type B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms
(JPJSCCB20210002), headed by Keiko SAKAI)
Keiko SAKAI (Coordinator of Core-to-Core Program, Center for Relational
Studies on Global Crises, Chiba University)
Mahmoud al-Qaysi (University of Baghdad, Iraq)
Larbi Sadiki (Middle East Council on Global Affairs, Doha, Qatar)
Keynote Lecture:
Kiichi Fujiwara (Professor, Institute for Advanced Academic Research,
Revisiting Democratic Revolutions: Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and
Middle East
Coffee Break
Presentation 1:
Larbi Sadiki (Senior Fellow, Middle East Council on Global Affairs,
General view on Arab Spring in 2011 and in 2019
Presentation 2:
Mostafa Khalili (Special Research Fellow, Chiba University)
From “Green Movement” to “Woman, Life, Freedom”: continuity and change
the evolution of the protest movement in Iran
Presentation 3:
Keiko Sakai (Dean, Center for Relational Studies on Global Crises, Chiba
Protest movements in the history of the Arab Region: searching for
17:25- 18:00
General Discussion
Sponsored by:
JSPS Core-to-Core program: Type B. Asia-Africa Science
Platforms (JPJSCCB20210002), headed by Keiko SAKAI)
上智大学アジア文化研究所は、Mabrouk Dhokar チュニジア人口家族公団(National Office for Family and
(Association Tunis Khair in
16:00 - 16:10 趣旨説明Introduction by Erina Iwasaki (Sophia University)
16:10 - 17:00 Lecture by Mabrouk Dhokar on “Tataouine society (Southern
Tunisia) after 2011”, and “Population and family planning in Tataouine
17:00 - 17:10 休憩Pause
17:10 - 18:00 質疑応答Q & A discussions
in Halal Identity Management: Stricter Halal Standards and Diversity in the
Global Era”を開催することとなりました。ご関心のある方のご参加をお待ち申し上げます。
Dear all,
Our research project will hold the second international workshop “Changes in
Halal Identity Management: Stricter Halal Standards and Diversity in the
The purpose of our international workshop is to discuss the current
situation on
halal services and halal certification systems in Muslim minority countries,
changes in halal standards in Muslim minority countries, and the affections
halal standards of Muslim majority countries over the halal services in
minority countries.
Program Schedule of The Second International Workshop
Satomi OHGATA (Kyushu International University)
Date and Time:
January 22th (Sunday), 2023
13:00 - 16:55 JST (Japan Standard Time)
Online Webinar (Zoom)
Pre-register is required. Please scan the QR-code on the poster. If you
cannot scan the QR-code, refer to the following link
(https://forms.gle/t9iL2SUBHcxAjyzn7). The deadline is January 18. The
for zoom webinar will be sent before the event.
Opening by MC: Yuji MIZUNO and Members Introduction
13:15 - 13:20
Purpose of This Project: Satomi OHGATA
13:20 - 13:50
Dr. Chang Chung-fu (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
“The “Localization” of Halal Restaurants and its Plural
in Contemporary Taiwan”
13:50 - 14:05
Q and A
14:05 - 14:35
Dr. Hiroko YAMAGUCHI (The Kitakyushu University, Japan)
“The Beginning and Development of “Halal Services" in Japan:
Focusing on Food Trends in Regional Cities”
14:35 - 14:50
Q and A
14:50 - 15:10
15:10 - 15:50
Discussant: Dr. Ayang Utriza Yakin (Sciences Po Bordeaux,
France, &
Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)
Discussant: Dr. Mohammad Aizat Jamaludin (International Islamic
University Malaysia, Malaysia)
15:50 - 16:50
General Discussion
16:50 - 16:55
For More Details:
This Research Project is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP22H03846.
The 1st International Symposium of INDOWS Project:"Discovering the Indian
World: “Gyres”, Indian Ocean and beyond”
Hope this email finds you well, this is from the INDOWS conference team.
We are pleased to announce that INDOWS*, the Indian Ocean World Studies
is holding our inaugurating symposium "Discovering the Indian Ocean World:
“Gyres”, Indian Ocean and beyond” in January 2023, in the National Museum of
Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, as well as via online.
We are going to have sessions which interweave the fields of anthropology,
history, architecture, material cultures and more.
This symposium is widely open also to non-researchers, with simultaneous
interpretation between English and Japanese.
We are looking forward to having you on site or seeing you online!
English (Simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English will
* Venue:
National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka, Japan) + Zoom online.
* Registration:
deadline: January 11 (Wed), 2023
- Attend on site at National Museum of Ethnology: https://forms.gle/LQ8RFqQCshqzARns8
- Attend online via Zoom: https://forms.gle/htSbJLYbXY2zzUMz9
Zoom URL will be sent before January 20th, 2023, to all who registered.
On site attendance is limited up to the first 40 registrant.
* Contact us:
Center for Indian Ocean World Studies, National Museum of Ethnology
tel: +81-(0)6-7661-8501
Event title: A Workshop on Arabic and Hebrew Folktales
Date & Time:
January 9^th , 2023, 10:00-17:00
Kyoto University, Yoshida Minami Campus, Yoshida Minami
Sougoukan, Tounantou 1F, Room 101
English and Arabic
Hosted by JSPS grant number 20340466 (Akiko Sumi) and JSPS grant number
21H04347 (Naoya Katsumata)
[Program (Tentative)]
10:00 Opening
10:10-11:10 Dr. Enass Khansa (American University of Beirut)
Notes on /The Queen of Sorcerers and Thirteen Andalusī Tales on Love/
11:15-12:30 Dr. Akiko Sumi (Kyoto Notre Dame University)
From Despair to Recovery in a Chinese Buddhist Story and the Frame
Stories of /The 101 Nights/ and /The 1001 Nights/
Lunch break
14:00-15:30 Dr. Haitham Sharqawy (South Valley University, Egypt) and
Dr. Naoya Katsumata (Kyoto University)
/Bayad wa-Riyad/- Towards a New Critical Edition of the Arabic Story and
a Comparative Study with the Hebrew /Maqama/
15:45-16:45 Dr. Farag Kadri Fakhrany (South Valley University, Egypt)
Indications of Arabic Influence in /Mishle Sendebar/ - Reading Medieval
and Modern Jewish Versions
第1セッション:中東 10:15-12:00
酒井啓子 「アラブの革命――ネイション意識に光を当てた革命分類」
Juan Cole 'The Islamic Revolution in Iran as Modular Collective Action for
Middle East'
(「中東における集合行為のモジュラーとしてのイラン革命」 和訳配布)
▶ 討論:Harald Fuess
昼休憩(12:0 0-13:00)
第2セッション:中国 13:00-14:15
深町英夫 「国民党の未完の中国革命」
石川禎啓 「歯車として生きる――1940年代の中国革命運動における組織と個人」
▶ 討論:Jeffrey Wasserstrom
第3セッション:ロシア 14:30-15:45
池田嘉郎 「革命ロシアにおけるソヴィエト公共性の探求」
Merissa Stockdale ''War Makes Revolution?': Gauging the Impact of War and
on Russia's Revolutions, 1904-1936'
▶ 討論:石川禎啓
第2セッション:イギリス 11:00-12:15
Michael Braddick 'Street Politics and the "Invention of the People" in
Long Revolution, 1640-1720'
(「長いイングランド革命における街頭政治と「人民の創造」」 和訳配布)
後藤はる美 「17世紀イギリスにおける暴力・正当性・公共圏」
▶ 討論:三谷博
第3セッション:日本 13:15-14:30
朴薫 「なし崩し的革命、明治維新――伝統的政体構想の利用と変容」
塩出浩之 「明治維新と新聞」
▶ 討論:岩井淳
総合討論 14:45-16:45 冒頭コメント 渡辺浩
結語 17:00-17:30 山﨑耕一 ・ Michael Braddick
International Symposium
Pen and Sword in Revolutions: A Global Comparison
7th Jan. 9:30-17:30(JST) / 8th Jan. 9:00-17:30(JST) 2023
The University of Tokyo (Hongo), Ichidai Lecture Hall, Faculty of Law &
Bldg.2 with Zoom
Language: Japanese & English Fee: Free
Saturday, 7th January 9:30-17:30
Opening Address 9:30-10:10
Hiroshi Mitani 'Re-thinking Revolutions through Global Comparison'
1st Session: Middle East 10:15-12:00
Keiko Sakai 'Revolutions in the Arab States: Patterns of Revolution
How the Revolutionaries Consider Their Nationhood'
Juan Cole 'The Islamic Revolution in Iran as Modular Collective Action for
Middle East'
▶ Harald Fuess
Lunch Break
2nd Session: China 13:00-14:15
Hideo Fukamachi 'The Kuomintang's Unfinished Chinese Revolution'
Yoshihiro Ishikawa 'Living as a Cog in the Party Organization: A
Way of Life
in 1940s' China'
▶ Jeffrey Wasserstrom
3rd Session: Russia 14:30-15:45
Yoshiro Ikeda 'A Quest for the Soviet Publicness in Revolutionary
Merissa Stockdale ''War Makes Revolution?': Gauging the Impact of War and
on Russia's Revolutions, 1904-1936'
▶ Yoshihiro Ishikawa
Round Table 16:00-17:30
Sunday, 8th January 9:00-17:30
1st Session: America & France 9:00-10:45
Wanibuchi Shuichi 'Civil War, Print, and the Legitimacy of Violence in the
American Revolution'
Riho Hayakawa 'The Martial Law and Popular Violence in the French
Masato Taira 'French Revolution from the Perspective of the Conflict between
Public Opinion
and Violence'
▶ David Bell
2nd Session: Britain 11:00-12:15
Michael Braddick 'Street Politics and the “Invention of the People" in
Long Revolution, 1640-1720'
Harumi Goto 'Violence, Legitimacy and Public Sphere in Seventeenth Century
Britain and Ireland'
▶ Hiroshi Mitani
Lunch Break
3rd Session: Japan 13:15-14:30
Hun Park 'A Gradual Revolution, Meiji Ishin: Utilization and Transformation
Idea of Government'
Hiroyuki Shiode 'The Meiji Revolution and Newspaper'
▶ Jun Iwai
General Discussion 14:45-16:45
Opened by Hiroshi Watanabe
Closing Remarks 1700-17:30
Koichi Yamazaki & Michael Braddick
酒井啓子 Keiko SAKAI
千葉大学 Chiba University
法政経学部/大学院社会科学研究院 教授 Professor, Faculty of Law, Politics and Economics
グローバル関係融合研究センター長 Center for Relational Studies on Global Crises