



2023年10月7日、パレスチナ・ガザを実効支配するハマースなど武装組織によるイスラエル攻撃ではじまった今回の事件では、1か月足らずのあいだにパレスチナ・イスラエル双方で1万人近い犠牲者を出しています。ハマースは音楽祭で無差別攻撃を行い、さらに数百人のイスラエル人や外国人を拉致し、人質としてガザに連行していきました。これらの行為は正当化できるものではありません。 他方、イスラエルの反撃により、ガザでもきわめて多くの死傷者が出ており、とくに民間人の犠牲が増えていることには深い悲しみを感じざるをえません。また、イスラエルのガザ完全封鎖で、ガザ住民は食料や医薬品の不足、衛生状態の悪化、燃料の枯渇など深刻な人道危機に晒されています。




Statement by The Japan Association for Middle East Studies on the Situation in Gaza, Palestine

The 20th Council of the Japan Association for Middle East Studies
October 30th, 2023

The attack on October 7th, 2023, by Hamas and other armed groups, which have effective control over Gaza, Palestine, has triggered a conflict which has taken more than 10,000 lives both in Palestine and Israel in just under a month. Hamas carried out indiscriminate attacks on a music festival and abducted hundreds of Israelis and foreigners, taking them to Gaza as hostages. Such actions can never be justified.

On the other hand, we are also grieving deeply for the enormous number of civilians who have been killed or injured by Israeli counterattacks. In addition, due to Israel’s total blockade of Gaza, the inhabitants of Gaza are facing a serious humanitarian crisis such as food and medicine shortages, deteriorating sanitary conditions, and the depletion of fuel supplies.

Furthermore, this conflict is also creating major divisions around the world. It causes not only international and regional conflicts, but also hate crimes and acts of violence to be committed in several countries due to the ethnic and religious background of the conflict.

The Japan Association for Middle East Studies is deeply concerned about this situation as an association of researchers of this region, including both Palestine and Israel. We call on both parties concerned for the following actions to de-escalate the situation as quickly as possible:

1) Immediate ceasefire.
2) Compliance with international humanitarian laws and the cessation of attacks on civilians and essential infrastructure for society, such as hospitals, schools, and water supplies.
3) Immediate release of all hostages. If the release were to be made gradually, priority should be given to releasing minors, elderly, and sick individuals.
4) Immediate lifting of the total blockade of Gaza. At the very least, a humanitarian corridor should be established to allow for the safe transit of sufficient humanitarian aid into Gaza, including food, medicine, and fuel.

Furthermore, we call on the international community, particularly the Japanese government, to consider the following:

1) Prevention of the escalation of the conflict and collaboration to establish an environment conducive to a political solution.
2) Establishment of an international support system for the restoration of social and economic infrastructure destroyed by military attacks.
3) Development of a new framework, shared by the international community, for the final and permanent resolution of the issues following the de-escalation of the conflict.